Here is a list of suggestions that should be added & have gotten lots of upvotes in the past on the facs discord. #1. FIX THE GAPPLE GLITCH. This has been around for way to long (at least a year or two) how is this not fixed? #2. Item filter command so our inventory's don't get clogged with bones & other random crap. This was a feature way been in map 14 n stuff. I was told this was removed because there was a bug that needed to be fixed but it was never re added. #3 /rename rank perk or perk paper so we aren't limited by the amount of characters u can fit in the anvil GUI. (I think this used to be a rank perk way back in the day don't quote me on this) #4 Add sumo as an option in /duels. Everyone likes sumo why not add it as an option in the duel menu #5. Make all factions automatically enemied, if there are no allies what is the point of /f neutral #6 Make the lobby scoreboard show what number you are in the queue Below are screenshots of some of the suggestions listed above from the mcc facs discord showing how many upvotes + downvotes they have received. Feel free to leave more suggestions in the replies.