Factions shield suggestion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by AbusiveAdmin, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. AbusiveAdmin

    Mar 5, 2020
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    My group of friends and I joined the server a bit late into the map. So far we are incredibly impressed with the network and are really enjoying ourselves
    But the one issue is faction shields.
    As they stand right now you are only able to enable them during grace period. Now for a faction like ours that joined in the game late, we are not able to set a shield.
    This puts us and other new players like us at a significant disadvantage because without shield you have to be on guard 24 hours a day while the established factions can have a guarded timeslot.
    I understand plugins and limitations, and you cannot change things mid map easily. So my suggestion would be “if possible” to allow new factions to the network to submit a ticket or something and have an admin force enable their shield for a timeslot.
    We will continue playing this map out because we truly do enjoy it, but if it’s possible to level out the playing field I believe it’s worth suggesting about.
    Thanks for your time
    FalseReports likes this.
  2. FalseReports

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I would like to see if they could make this possible in the future, I truly do understand the struggle of new factions that start playing mid-map and then they have to watch out for all the other stacked factions around them. If you look at the current factions like if me and some of my friends tried to establish a faction then Airbus or Orbit would just destroy us because they are the top 2 factions in the season which is annoying as a starting faction. I would believe a ticket that is explained and you show proof of when your faction was made with some explanation would be good enough for a admin to enable your faction shield which would help a lot for these factions who want a chance to get up there. I do believe that “Faction Admins” are not always available since Senior Moderators, Moderators, and Helpers do seem to be more active with the community. If this was ever to be applied to the game I would believe Admins and Senior Moderators should have access to “Faction Shields” since these are the most trusted Staff members and they have more power then regular Moderators and Helpers.
  3. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    It is very possible to do but, we don't for a reason. The issue is people can set up their shield. Then later in the season hop on a alt and vpn. Set up a shield that starts after the main factions shield ends. Now saying that we are making changes to what the shield actually protects. So this idea we are saving for later until we make some more changes. Then we will decide what we can do and what will work best. Yes you can say "Just make a rule" , We do not want to just keep adding rules. There is already a lot and there is no need for us to add rules for thing we can prevent via server plugin.
    FalseReports likes this.

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