Donator Tab Colour

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cryzp, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Cryzp

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Hey guys, i feel it would be cool if your rank had a colour on the tab list, for example lapis gets dark blue, emerald gets lime green, etc etc, i just think that would be a cool idea and make the tab list more vibrant than the two 2 colours. (not including staff) please take this into consideration.

    MAXILES and Heptasia like this.
  2. TimTam

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Yes i think this would be a nice feature that's not really 'needed' but would just add some more visual pleasure to the server (Tab list), but i think if this was added they'd need to make higher ranks show near the front of tab.
    Like this, for example: 'Staff, Youtube, Immortal, Legend, Bedrock, Diamond, Emerald, Lapis, Gold, Iron, Coal, and then rookie' to keep all the colors organised and keep it from just looking like a mess of colors on tab plus it would also give another incentive to get 'higher ranks' and reward players with those 'higher ranks'

    ~ Just my opinion on the topic but i hope you have a good day or night.
    (Edit) | -1 From me, As many other people after my reply, put some good points as to why it won't be that great.
    #2 TimTam, Aug 17, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
    Inj3ction likes this.
  3. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey there.

    I think this suggestion would be cool, but personally I believe it would make the tab look a lot more messier. There are currently 9 different donator ranks, so having 11 different colours in tab (including Rookie & Staff), in my opinion, wouldn't look good.

    I also think it could cause some confusion. The tab is set up so that staff are easily identifiable; you see a red name and straight away you know they're a go-to person if you're in need of assistance. Legend rank is red, and, if your suggestion was implemented, their name in tab would be red too. What about staff?

    Overall, I think this would cause more problems than solutions. While it may be nice to have your rank determine the colour of your name, I don't think it's worth it; considering how much confusion it may cause for new players. I also believe that the tab looks quite clean as it is, with a maximum of 3 colours. And again, like I said, tab is setup so that staff are easily identified. I don't think this needs to be changed. -1
    Lewklo, 10Controls and Firebal676 like this.
  4. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    The idea sounds amazing.
    However, it wouldn't be practical. too many colors gets quite chaotic.
    Maybe all donators get one main color (green for example) that distinguishes them in tab,
    While the rest are reserved for staff.
  5. 10Controls

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Im personally a -1 to this idea. As 89p said, it’ll make chat look messy and it’ll possibly cause confusion for newer players.

    This is already the case in subservers. All donators have blue names when shown in tab, while staff have red names.
  6. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm definitely a -1 on this suggestion, however I see where you're coming from and I do think it would be cooler if the tab was slightly more colourful, but It's perfect how it is currently. This is one of the only servers I know that doesn't display players ranks in the tab bar which I somewhat like as it's not confusing, it's not too messy or bright and it's pretty easy on the eyes being simple to identify who's online.
    The 3 colours (Red, Blue & Gray) currently make the tab bar look very organised which is great for newcomers! At least donators do have the light blue prefix already. As 89p mentioned above, you can easily identify the staff being red in tab which is a must so I agree nothing should be changed around that. I guess staff could get a bold prefix in tab so regardless what colour the donator rank was they could still be easily identified, but this isn't exactly necessary and it's kind of pointless.
    #6 Lewklo, Aug 19, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2020
    mxbel likes this.

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