Discord Nickname suggestion.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by 5900, May 2, 2020.

  1. 5900

    Apr 8, 2020
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    This isn't a server suggestion but in fact, it is a Discord Suggestion.

    A few minutes ago, I tried changing my nickname to my ign but I found out that there is no way and only staff members are able to nick themselves. I'm Suggesting that they consider a channel where players can request their nickname to be their ign in-game with proof like in the role claim channel. I know people that don't use and will never use their ign for their discord name. This would be very helpful for people in the discord to know who the person is in-game!
  2. kay


    Mar 17, 2020
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    i agree with your idea 100% it would be a nice feature to see added in, and could be very helpful instead of jumping through tons of hoops.
    5900 likes this.
  3. beeankah

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I'm so glad you made a thread about this. This is a feature I've been hoping for, because as a person who likes to communicate a lot in the MCC discord and VC's I could make a lot of new friends, yet when I see them in-game they don't know who I am since my discord username isn't the same as my mc username. I know people say things like "just change your discord username" but there are some people who play games other than MC or who have IRL friends added on discord, and it can be confusing for other people too. As an example, I have my aunty added on discord (funny, I know) and if I suddenly changed my discord name to cryingtears from bianca I think she would be a little confused and even worried haha.

    Having a channel added called #usernames or #nicknames or something like that, this could be merged with #roleclaim, put a screenshot of you saying your discord in public chat showing your ign, and a staff member can nick you, but this can be merged with #roleclaim because the screenshot would also show if you have a rank or not, so with the screenshot, you could say "cryingtears - Legend rank/donator" just because then it kind of kills two birds with one stone, you get your donator rank (if you are one), as well as your nickname, changed to your mc ign.

    I hope this gets added! It's a big +1 for me.
    Have a lovely day (:
    5900 likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! althought I can definitely see the benefits from this, I can also see more users trying to impersonate staff or other players, or even change to explicit usernames which wouldn't be allowed n such. I feel like if you were to stop and think why it was removed, it probably was for a good reason, same reason why staff stopped changing nicknames as awell- they were always being tagged for things like that n so on n so forth...
    although this is something minor, i feel that the way it is now is fine and it helps keep the discord a little more clean

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