Tokens are already in really high demand and almost unaffordable for newer players. Increasing the demand won't help. But otherwise, I think that custom enchants are badly needed because the current state of prison is really stale due to everyone just afk'ing. Not sure how the pricing will be set, but any change that will add pickaxe enchants will be a step in the right direction. +1
Greg, xStrafinqs_ had an idea of being able to get the custom enchants with exp, so exp will have a purpose too. I say, maybe make both tokens and exp get you the custom enchants, so you have more choices :D
Just another weird thought that might be kinda cool, maybe you don't buy custom enchants with tokens or XP. instead you get a currency called ores just like money or whatever and every time you mine a block excluding cobble you get one ore. Then you trade in an amount of ores (the currency) for a book that you can either open up or sell on ah.
Tokens are for spawners and ores would be for custom enchants. Its not like they don't go together but I think grinding xp would still be the best form for enchant books.
Hello, Okay so here is a bit of a detailed reply Explosion - I don't dislike the idea but for certain mining styles this might not be the best. Haste - No point, we have high levels of eff pickaxes so there really wouldn't be a point on adding anything onto that. Cut - I like this idea and would really give another reason to mine. Maybe not as OP as a full layer but maybe a 9x9. Cuber - Seems just like "Explosion" so same answer Unbreaking - This was upped by Alex earlier this season. Again really no point in adding this as it's good as is. Efficiency - Already on picks no need to add more Fortune - Already on picks no need to add more Another thing we need to think about is the issue of plots. If you have a enchant on your pick that gives it a chance to break a large amount of blocks What happens when you mine something on your plot and it ruins your plot. The picks enchantments would need to be disabled in every world except Mines. In regards to the Armor enchants. Armor and PVP should stay the same in my opinion as adding potions is something we have actively tried to avoid in PVP. I think something that would add a bit of excitement to Mining would be Special Ores What this would be is pretty simple but it's a ore that you you have to mine for like 5 seconds but it gives you the same loot table as envoys and they only have like a 1/5 change of spawning in the mine. Simple but more exciting or even mining keys that you can spin at spawn. Noah | Horace_Altman Mcc Moderator Mcc Ex-Builder
Yeah, these are just ideas to get you guys going. The point is that mining should get more custom enchants. Thank you for replying.
I know how important it is to you to improve the enchants on Prison. If you have been playing Prison or any subserver on MCC you would know that the admins don't take suggestions. I had suggestions submitted from every season since season 2 and every time I try to have it done, they don't add it. I would suggest becoming friends with an admin to get your idea actually in the season. Don't bother with the owners: they don't do anything, they simply make money off of the server. EDIT: These are great ideas and I hope that they would accept them into a new season. This season was boring for a week after reset. Keep up the good work.
I think that this is a fantastic idea! These enchants would definitely help balance mining and spawners! Only thing that I wouldn't want is for these enchant to be very OP and end up ruining prison by these enchants. Defo a +1 from me! ~ _LeaveMeAlone_
Hello! I believe as an on and off prison player that adding more custom enchants is a great idea! The enchants you have listed here are some very good ideas and perhaps they could be added :) I would love to see the prison community come up with some more Ideas to make the server more fun :) Thank you so much for making this thread. Have A Nice Day All The Best ___Sean___
I think this is a wonderful idea to help transition prison back to being more mining based then just getting spawners and afking them to get money and buy tokens for insanely high from other players and continuing to buy more spawners. As others have stated mines will need to be much bigger to accommodate the change but I dont believe that would be too big of an issue. If making the mines super large is too hard then maybe increasing the mines slightly but then also reducing the time that it takes for mines to reset. Also liked the idea of making exp have some use inside the game then for just crafting items. Would love to see something introduced here Thanks, Olli