CTF Teamers

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by DareMe, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    another thing I've seen ctf lacks, as I remember playing it years ago
    is the kids who decide to sit around and do nothing. why cant
    they do it in the lobby. THE POINT of ctf is a teamwork thing and if yall
    are sitting there how can we win. most sit for credits and I feel that
    is cheating as there is no effort whatsoever put into their work.
    it ruins the whole point of ctf and it makes it hard to play when most
    teams are sitting around in the middle doing nothing LMAO then
    their friends kill people they don't know. ctf is no longer enjoyable.
    and people who sit and team with the other team should be punished
    regardless of holding the flag or not it still ruins it. the whole way u win
    is a team effort. your team is sitting in middle hanging out with the other team
    ruins the game and it is no longer CTF. please make this a rule
    as it's horrible and ruins the game mode.​
    fattr likes this.
  2. Martiinn

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Hey DareMe.

    I'm trying to understand your frustration about the players who truce in game and mostly all game just sit around their friends doing nothing. However, I think this should never be a punishable offense for the simple reason that trucing isn't any way of cross teaming, indeed, it doesn't affect most of the time the match it self, as many people who truce in CTF, don't like to flag truce. This generates that people who are truced, are able to kill each other while carrying the flag. I don't get why are you mad at people who just enjoy to have fun with the CTF community in game. Trucers will never make the game not enjoyable anymore.

    Instead of punishing players who truce their friends, the punished players should be the ones who dedicate to help the other team to win in any way. For example, giving his own flag carrier location or route to the other team in general chat. Or maybe push the enemy flag carrier with their fist to give him some sort of boost to capture the flag. In those situations, I do agree it should be punishable, maybe for gameplay trolling (gameplay sev 1).
  3. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    SO why cant they join their friends team and not ruin the whole game why is all of your responses negative and one sided. its always u sticking to what is already there be flexible to both sides
  4. ChimozuFu

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It's super frustrating trying to play these days compared to 3 or 4 years ago. Most people just sit in games playing around with their friends not killing anyone and your right that It's almost like cheating for credits. I'm not sure what but I'd like to see something done about it
    DareMe likes this.
  5. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I agree that something should be done about it, but I feel like the teaming rule is also fine as is. PvP trucing affects the game to a much lesser degree than flag trucing since capping the flag would lead to an instant win, so Flag Trucing is bannable since it would make it (Almost) impossible for the other team to win which just isn't the case for not PvPing.

    When I play CTF I usually ignore enemies to go to the flag since I'm not particularly good at PvP, so technically that would mean I could be banned for teaming when I actually wasn't? Also, if you want players to fight each other by making it so that not PvPing others is a bannable offence it would just lead them to do the exact same but just, you know, staying on the same team and making it even more unfair for the team.

    I'd say that the only way to stop people from doing this would be by adding a rule that would ban players for not playing the objective, but I feel like that would be a very harsh punishment. Or maybe buffing the amount of credits that you get per kill and lower the one you get per win could make so that playing for kills is a lot more worth it for the people that want credits, but I don't think that would fix the whole problem either.
    DareMe likes this.
  6. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    i agree i think there should be something done about it i like the idea of if u dont play the objective u should get punished
  7. DareMe

    Feb 18, 2020
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    i agree but also its not if u avoid pvping with people thats fine what is wrong is when they sit and hang out and talk and dont even act until their team has the flag then they help its still messing with the flag. just if people are on different teams crouching in circles and sitting together and not doing anything theres less people to play with..
  8. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I personally feel that the rule needs no change. Currently it is bannable to purposely not capture the flag in order for the other team to win, and this is fair because there is nothing much that can be done about it by the player's team.

    It is rather rare to see players from opposite teams hanging out in the map, although when it happens it is rather harmless. It is usually just a couple people from each team, meaning that there are still lots of others to continue the game. For comparison, on games like solo skywars, teaming is bannable because it allows 2 or more players to have an unfair advantage, by 2v1ing for example. However, on Capture the Flag, since the game arena is already divided into 2 teams, 2v1s and 3v1s already frequently happen. I wouldn't call it "cheating for credits" because they still have to wait for the game to end, and they don't get as many credits because they didn't get as many kills.

    If they just join their friend's team in the next game, they would likely still be hanging out together without actually contributing to the team, so it makes no difference. If we banned for not contributing to the game, then other examples, such as afk players, would have to be banned, too.

    Additionally, suppose this rule was changed and a whole game of players stop fighting on purpose (which has happened before). An entire minigame lobby, which could be up to 24 people, would have to be banned. This is a huge amount of people to ban at once for such a thing, when you could just rejoin and play a new CTF lobby if you have an issue with it. -1
    iwillfindu likes this.

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