CTF Improvements

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Yoloswsg247, May 15, 2020.

  1. Yoloswsg247

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I already posted this in a different thread but somebody recommended for me to post it here so here it is!

    So I was playing CTF today and I thought about some things that I think should be implemented into it. I think assists should be added to the game. A lot of times peoples kills are "stolen" or they do all the work and someone sweeps in and gets the kill. We are all guilty of that but I think with this feature, the assist should go to the player who dealt the most amount of damage to the player before someone else killed them. The next thing I think would be a good idea, is at the end of the game it should also announce who got the most kills. I think this is a good idea because it would encourage players to fight and get involved to see if they made it to the top, and if a player is rewarded with most kills, they should get a little bit more credits as well. Although minor, I think that when you send a chat during the game your username should be the color of the team you are on. This will clear up a lot of confusion that is happening during the chat sometimes. These are some things I think would improve the CTF experience. Tell me what you think!
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Yolo!
    I think these ideas a good, and I can see how they would benefit the players. I think they should add a "cool down" for when you die, once you respawn, you get 10 seconds of invincibility. This would be great because I've seen players stand at the spawn point of the opposite team and kill them over and over again.
    Other than this, I think CTF needs some of these ideas added!
    Nikki <3
    Yoloswsg247 likes this.
  3. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like your ideas! I love the idea of announcing the player with the most kills. I like @Nikki_ idea about having invincibility for 10 seconds! I have seen and experienced this happen and it can be very annoying. A few ideas that I have is to remove the Power 1 from the bow. There are a lot of bow spammers and I believe that they should remove the Power 1 from the bow to keep it very fair. With Power 1 on the bow it takes only around 4 shots to kill someone in leather armor and it can be very annoying to deal with. This can be fixed with removing the Power 1 or implementing a 3-5 second wait time before shooting again.
    I love all of these ideas mate!

    Have a nice day!

    Yoloswsg247 and Nikki_ like this.

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