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"cross teaming"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThxChase, Sep 15, 2020.


Do you think that taking a screenshot with the last team in uhc should be bannable?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. ThxChase

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Recently, me and some of my friends (Ohbloo, ThxLaharz, and Abelplayss) were all banned for cross teaming in uhc. I have been through many cross teaming bans in my time playing and this is one that I just cannot agree with whatsoever.

    So what happened is deathmatch was ending, and there were only 2 teams left, in many uhcs the last two teams enjoy to take a screenshot together, which is what we decided to do. This "tradition" has been going on for however long uhc has been a subserver. People will take screenshots with the last team just for fun. There has never been a problem with this since I have started playing uhc (around a year ago) of where the players who took a screenshot with the last team getting banned.

    Here are some screenshots of me and my friends of being last 2 teams alive.
    (with tripped up)

    I have so many more just sitting in my recordings but I don't feel like going through all of them.

    Here is a video of Me and Cxrtr(moderator) giving a win to euinbin and Sinderr(moderator) ALSO notice how 4 DIFFERENT Moderators( not including the ones in game ) say "gg" afterwards proving they were spectating the game and i did not get banned, how is this different / better than taking an ss with the last team?

    Here is a screenshot of the crossteaming rule-


    So I agree with the cross teaming rule and I think cross teaming is a large problem in uhc but once again I have NEVER had a problem like this until now. Here is the part of the rule that I got banned for:
    Teaming is allowed if there are only 2 players left (no more than that) in the game, as it doesn’t affect the gameplay at that point.

    The staff member who banned me had the argument that "Since there were more than 2 players alive (5 players altogether as it was a team of 3 game and 1 of the players on the enemy team had died before that point) there is no reason you should not be banned because u blatantly broke the rule."

    Right now I want to focus on the "as it doesn’t affect the gameplay at that point." part of the rule. The whole point of that subrule on crossteaming being there is the fact that when it is 2 players alive so it no longer affects the gameplay, this is the SAME CONCEPT as only 2 teams being left alive.

    About the poll, please only answer it if you are a consistent or known uhc player just to make the outcome of the votes more fair. Thank you.
    Amvya, meana and Laharz like this.
  2. Laharz

    Sep 2, 2019
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    The fact we’ve been taking screenshots with the last team alive for literally years and never ever had issues with it just shows there is clearly nothing wrong, so many staff over the years have seen us do it including Teddzy herself which is an admin, I have screenshots from over a year ago still with me taking ss with last teams alive and never been banned for it. I feel like the staff just change there ways whenever they want because they don’t like certain people and it’s a fucking joke. They’re just creating more issues and it adds more stress to themselves so it’s dumb on there behalf‍. But no taking a ss with the last person OR TEAM! Should not be bannable as it’s not affecting any other team or player.
    wambam, Radinator, Amvya and 2 others like this.
  3. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    This is true! The staff should have a long hard talk regarding the "Cross-Teaming" rule and it's entirety. I often see many Staff saying "other staff may punish for this, but I personally wouldn't", and that is not a good resolve. We need the rules to be defined more for us to understand. That being said, please change the "cross-teaming" rule! A couple of Moderators were in games that people took screenshots in, and they didn't punish them. This proves my point in most Staff members having different outlooks on the rules. With all of that being said, I believe that the "cross-teaming" rule should only be applied when it negatively effects other teams, and the last 2 teams alive should be allowed to take screenshots. This is because at that point, it doesn't effect the result of the game.
    Laharz and meana like this.
  4. meana

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hey! I totally see where your coming from and I also feel like you and your friends followed the rule which shouldn't have resulted as a ban. There is the rule: Teaming is allowed if there are only 2 players left (no more than that) in the game, as it doesn’t affect the gameplay at that point. If you and your friends didn't break this rule I don't see why you would have been banned for. I hope in the future staff can try to be more careful with their power and look back at the rule before banning players! Other than that, I hope you and you friends get it figured out :D have a nice day!
    #4 meana, Sep 15, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    Amvya likes this.
  5. Amvya

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I think that banning players when there is more than two (like how its been seen in UHC multiple times) but are the final team taking a screenie shouldn't be bannable. Since this doesn't affect the game play and does not put another team at a disadvantage. There has been countless instances where the final two teams take a screen shot before they fight. This ban is probably the first I've heard of kids getting banned in UHC for taking a screenie considering everyone has done this (even myself and other mcc staff). This does not affect any one else in the game and I wouldn't even consider it "cross teaming" to take a screenie considering cross teaming puts other players at risk this does not affect either team. As devon stated above cross teaming should be when it puts another team at a disadvantage and that is when staff should ban for it not when the last two teams are taking a screenshot during deathmatch.
    Laharz and meana like this.

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