Countdown for a game

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Foodie, Aug 12, 2020.


Is it too long?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Foodie

    Aug 11, 2020
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    As you all know when you're waiting for a game to start there's a countdown and if you have less than the maximum amount of players possible, it's 90 seconds. Personally, I feel this is a bit too long. In peak times it's fine, because you generally get the maximum quite easily, however when there aren't many players on, it can take quite a while to get into a game. Maybe it could be brought down to a minute?

    (I feel that the 20 second countdown for when you have the maximum amount of people is fine)
  2. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I personally feel like the 90 second wait time is alright given that there are sometimes players who do join while the timer is going down which is a good thing for gameplay. I see your point about how it's very annoying when there's not many players on and I could see a compromise being made to where it would get shifted a little lower. For now I don't know if this would change immediately but I do see this being something to be considered for the upcoming minigame revamp (there is not a set date or anything set in stone about this). Thank you for this suggestion and I look forward to what others have to say about this idea! Have a lovely rest of your day.
    mxbel likes this.
  3. ctrs

    May 4, 2020
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    going off of what swaggle said i think it should be 60 seconds and not 90 because players still have time to join. in addition when a game fills up to full players, i don't think the timer should be shortened to 20 seconds, i would suggest 15-10 seconds because the game is full, why would you need to wait more time? +1 (most likely nothing will change bc thats just how the owners/admins treat minigames)
    27JAS likes this.
  4. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    I completely agree with ctrs. The wait time should be 60 seconds because like he said, it still gives players pleanty of time to join and its less time to wait for the game to start. And i also agree that the shortened timer should be 15 seconds or less because if the game is full, what is the point of having to wait?

    Bruno likes this.

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