Combo Duels

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by YupImDuck, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. YupImDuck

    May 11, 2020
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    Combo Duels would be a great addition to arenapvp, it would also bring it to life for a bit. Personally I want to train my skills and other people want to too! Not Much To say here expect it would be an easy addon!
  2. Pxrge

    Jul 23, 2019
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    ArenaPvP on MCC isn't really the best place for getting combos as most of the hits don't register and the knockback itself is ridiculous. I can hardly even combo kids in gapple because of the knock back and I've been kicked numerous times by the anti-cheat for "modified client" when I was literally just swinging my sword at my enemy. I have friends who are moderators and have gotten kicked by ArenaPvP's anti-cheat and that says it all. Also, the lag back on the ArenaPvP is ridiculous especially if you have 150+ ms because when you're getting crit out from behind, you're basically screwed.

    MCC won't add any kits until they fix all the points stated above because if they do, then good luck even getting a combo. Hopefully this explains why it'd be such a mistake to add such a kit to ArenaPvP. Hope you have a good one though.

    - Pxrge
    MAXILES and YupImDuck like this.

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