Chat Reports

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Darenn, May 2, 2020.

  1. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay so, as a few other members around this community, some are trying to go for staff. Though, I find it quite annoying that you always have to ask a staff member for your chat report stats. I feel like you should be able to know and see your own overall and monthly, chat report stats. Therefore, I won’t always have to ask a staff member and possibly disturb them for my chat report stats.

    Let me your thoughts below!
  2. Rev3rse

    Aug 14, 2019
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    I think this is a great idea, especially as I see a lot of messages in the #support Discord from players who are requesting their CR stats. Implementing this would help clear up some of those messages from the Discord so that staff can prioritize and focus on answering other questions and taking care of rulebreakers. Hopefully this also shouldn't be too difficult to implement as it would just be a simply permissions change.
    ThorKingOfAsgard likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i don't find it that much of an issue since the chatreports is a custom plugin, i don't think it'd be anything hard to fix or adjust, i just think it'd be unecessary. why would you be needing to be checking it every second. for me, when i once was trying to go for staff for a month i only checked like twice a month at mid way and end of month. like, i really don't understand staff sweat's deal w/ always checking CR stats.
    like, CRs aren't even a requirement for applying for helper and they really only give a sense of your activity and chat offence knowledge to apps team, sweating crs, by getting, like, 100+ in a week, and then dipping on them once your staff is just kinda :flushed:.
    also, when you're staff CRs come to you, you wouldn't want to be sweating 100+ witnessed mutes as a rookie unless you're, like, super organized and can keep all the evidence together.

    anyways, to get back on track. I disgree with this suggestion since i feel like it's not needed, chatreports aren't something that have a huge impact on your application unless you have none or hella ton more denied than accepted. as well as, checking every second doesn't help your application either or even give you a better sense if it could help you. like, just feel for a # that you feel that you did a lot and be proud of it. i feel that constantly checking 'em all can bring a sense of competitiveness with pre-helpers and etc tec..

    overall -1
    beeankah likes this.

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