Okay, so when you first claim your plot, you've got one that's dirt all the way down to bedrock. However, it's possible to change your plot so that you've got something else instead, like one that's got a layer or two of dirt on top and the rest of it down to bedrock is stone. With the reset, I was wondering if someone knows what the command is to change the plot to something else?
Hey Expendable. There will be no plots in Season 9 of Survival - instead there will be a 40kx40k world that never resets. You will be able to claim land using the traditional “golden shovel and stick” method. I would advise taking a read through the changelog at https://mccentral.org/community/threads/11th-october-2021-survival-9-0-changelog.149651/ to view a full list of changes you can expect to see when the server releases!
Ah yes, the handy dandy gold claim shovel and the Mk. 1 claim checker stick. Typically, one starts off with 100 claim blocks (just enough for a 10x10 claim), and usually you earn more claim blocks over time. Any idea of how many one earns in an hour? If you have a paid rank, do you start off with more claim blocks? Do you earn claim blocks at a faster rate? Some servers sell claim blocks as well, will you be doing that for those of us who like building towns and pocket empires? Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the change log!