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Change the Youtuber Application Requirements

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simplistiq, May 18, 2020.

  1. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I was looking at the youtuber application requirements earlier, and I liked all of the requirements. But, I didn't like one. Here are the requirements and my thoughts on them.
    -An active YouTube channel on which you post videos regularly.
    I feel like that rule is fair, you should be active on you're youtuber channel in order to get this youtube rank. Solid rule that should stay.
    -Your channel must produce Minecraft related content.
    This rule makes sense, if you are gonna get a youtuber rank on a Minecraft server, you should be producing Minecraft related content. This rule should stay, and is super fair.
    -Preferably have MCCentral content already on the channel.
    This rule should stay, but I feel like it should be preferably, I feel like that should be a requirement, and you already should have content on this server on the channel. If they made this rule a requirement people wouldn't just get the youtuber rank and just use it without posting content on this server so it shows whoever is applying for this rank shows they are loyal.
    -5,000 or more subscribers on your channel.
    This is the big rule. I feel like they should re-look over this rule. 5k subscribers seems like a lot. I feel like they should change it to 2k. I always check around to see if people that have a decent amount of subscribers upload content on this server. But I don't see big youtubers with 5k or more subscribers uploading content on this server. I feel like they should change the subscriber amount to 2,000 instead of 5,000. This would bring more decent sized subscribers in. I do respect big youtubers with subscribe count of 5,000. But I also like watching a little smaller sized subscribers like 1-2k. So, I feel like if they changed the subscriber requirement to 2k it would bring in more youtubers, and it would help out this server a lot!
    That is just my opinion because this server has soooo much potential! And more youtubers would help it out! I dont see too much youtubers on here!
    forgranted likes this.
  2. s0cial_

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Hey, gamer!

    I took and spent a little of my time reading your topic on your opinion/suggestion and I find it interesting, in fact that I did not agree a little bit with that requirement to reduce the 5,000 subscribers for at least 1 or 2,000 subscribers

    I've only seen new YouTubers added with a good reasonable feed and 8,000 subscribers.

    However, I think they should record more for example weekly videos on the server to see if they really want to stay like YouTubers on the server or if they just want to get the tag.

    Simplistiq likes this.
  3. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I do see where you are coming from. But i just don’t see enough youtubers with good amounts of subscribers. but they get the youtubed rank and don’t upload enough. I respect where you are coming from. Have a nice day :)
    forgranted and s0cial_ like this.
  4. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    As someone who is inspiring to hopefully break the 5,000 sub mark to become youtube rank, I disagree.

    There are very little YouTuber ranked people on the server compared to others, yes. However, the 5,000 subscriber mark is actually very generously reasonable.

    However, I would like to add that the consistency in the youtubers actually uploading MC-Central related content should be improved, or I guess required. (As some post on different servers more frequently than MC-Central)
    abbzyy likes this.
  5. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    True true. Thanks for you’re input! I saw you got a channel of you’re own. I will check you out!
    #5 Simplistiq, May 19, 2020
    Last edited: May 19, 2020
    forgranted likes this.
  6. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Thanks, much appreciated. I hope my opinion was something you could take something out of. :)
  7. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    In my opinion: I think that the 5000 subscriber requirement sets a goal for Youtubers like @Firebal676 and motivates them to carry on uploading and releasing content. While I never intended to try obtain the YouTuber rank, I believe it's an incredibly achievable goal.

    Making the channel only related to MCC means it'll take quite some time to actually get those 5000 subscribers. Maybe instead of only MCC related videos on the channel, they need to upload 3-4 videos of MCC content a month or something along those lines?

    This means that they are staying in contact with the server and it's community but are able to go to other places to grow their channel too!

    Just my thoughts :)
    - Elecctricc.
    Saboru_ and Simplistiq like this.
  8. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    Respectable, see where you are coming from. But i don’t see the people with the youtubers rank keep uploading after they get it. Good point on if they make it only mcc related it will be hard to get to 5k.
    forgranted and Saboru_ like this.
  9. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    What you need to remember is that in turn, the youtuber rank gives back to the community. By giving people with over 5,000 subscribers a rank and some in-game perks, they have incentive to make content on the server, which is actually advertising in a way. I'm not sure what all the youtube rank contains, but I'd imagine it's something similar to a donation rank. Meaning, they need to justify the financial loss in some way shape or form. But with those creators acting as an "outreach", they need to be seen. Frankly, going by that model, how many of those 5,000 subs are going to join a big network like this? Probably not many.

    But let me remind you. I personally think it should be based on views, not sub-counts. Someone can have 5,000 subs and get 10 views on most of their videos. But on the flip side, you could have someone with 100 subs that gets 10,000 views on their minecraft videos. While those numbers are maybe unrealistic, I think you get my point. I don't think lowering the sub requirement per say is the best option, but maybe add a clause into the requirements about view-count.

    Stay Well-
    Saboru_ and Simplistiq like this.
  10. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Hey there!
    As mentioned above, 5000 subscribers might seem like a lot, but it is certainly achievable. This being said, I don't believe that the subscriber count should be lowered at all, but instead require people with the youtube rank to produce a certain amount of videos per month that showcase or relate to MC Central. I believe this would, like said above, create incentive for people looking to achieve youtube rank, and for people with it already, to keep showcasing content and bringing in more people to MC Central.
    Best of luck to you!
    Simplistiq likes this.
  11. Melc

    Aug 5, 2019
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    For the size of the server, I feel 5,000 is pretty reasonable and is something achievable with consistency and dedication
    Simplistiq likes this.
  12. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @iluvhotmoms I do agree with you for the number of subscribers you need to be able to meet one of the qualifications for youtube rank. I think the other two requirements for youtube rank are fine as it is but I think 5,000 subscribers are a lot to get from a small channel and plus it takes a lot of hard work and it takes a long while. The reason why I said the other requirements for Youtuber rank are fine is that they are easily achievable. I think the Youtuber rank subscribers should be lower either to 1,000 subscribers or to 500 subscribers. Overall I think the minimal amount of subscribers requirement should be lowered but the other requirements are fine as it is and have yourself a wonderful day or night.

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