Champion Builder Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TurtleSoup123, Aug 16, 2019.


Should MCC add this addition

  1. Add this addition

    2 vote(s)
  2. Don’t add this addition

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  1. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    hello MCC Central!!

    So I had this idea for champion builder. When someone gives you a legendary or highest vote possible it should be known that that build was given a good vote. Now I know champion builder is not the most popular mini game on MCC but this change could help for multiple reasons.

    1. This change could loosen up the game a bit. When I’m playing I always get nervous when I’m in the voting stage. The thought of people voting unfairly always looms in my head. With this change when someone gives me a legendary or whatever the best vote is ( I don’t pay attention )
    A huge load can be taken off my shoulders

    2. If I don’t receive a legendary I know that I need to build better. I’m not the best builder but I’m decent and if my build doesn’t receive this “award” I know that my building skills need to improve when I get the next category

    3. This could be a way to catch people voting unfairly. If you know your vote is SO good and it doesn’t receive a legendary. You know something is up. Now this is just being honest and not being bias

    Thank you for taking the time to read this thread!

    List your thoughts or suggestions below!

    P.S I love that it doesn’t show the builder until the end. It’s great when I’m playing with my friends I have no idea who’s build is who’s which takes bias out of it. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS. It’s my favorite part about champion builder.

    Thanks again!
    Your friend,
    puposaurus likes this.
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I’ve been trying to get an update for champion Builder for a while because I feel it gets neglected a lot. I am a +1 to all ideas that are good and have got to do with Champion Builders.
    I also love the feature that doesn’t let players see who’s build it is until after the vote window is closed.
    Thank you.
    If you want to look at a thread I created a while ago on afew of my ideas for Champion Builders then you can click the link below.
  3. BrysonOA

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think this has some good concepts, but people are always going to vote unfairly no matter what, and there is no real punishment for it. So no matter if these ideas get put into place, I don't think it would make much of a difference.
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    To be honest, I do agree with this idea, simply because it give you things to work on. However, I can’t see developers adding it in as it’s kind of a small thing and I feel like other people may disagree and think it’s pointless.
    +1 from me though!
    puposaurus likes this.
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