Hello it's Nik, I was wondering how mining backpacks work. Ik they level up but idk how and how the storage works, please tell me if you know!
Hey PirateHB, The mining backpacks act as extra storage when mining the the mine worlds. With default 500 block storage, all blocks mined go straight into the backpack to be stored. If you wish to get ores in your inventory instead of the backpack, simply remove the backpack from your inventory. You can view how many of each ore you have by right clicking the backpack and hovering over each ore/mineral. However, once the ores are in the backpack, they can not be removed until sold. When you go to sell your ores, the ores in the backpack will be sold when the sell signs are hit. This also applies to profit shops on other players plots. Hope this helped!
Those backpacks are upgraded using tokens. Each upgrade is 15 tokens, then add 15 more tokens. Increases over time in higher levels. Level 1 -> Level 2 = 15 tokens Level 2 -> Level 3 = 30 tokens Level 3 -> Level 4 = 60 tokens And so on, Each upgrade adds 500 storage.