Boss Battles

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hi All! I don't want this thread to be full of me complaining, but it may come across that way.

    I play skyblock a lot, and when I'm in a boss battle, I'm of course going to need to gapple at some stage. In order to have a better shot at winning, players must try not to die, so gapples need to be saved. I gapple when I'm at 4HP so that I can regenerate without dying, but sometimes, I die while I'm gapping. When you die, the "Back to spawn" warp is in inventory slot 5, which is the same slot as gapples are. In the Boss battle I just finished, I died while gapping twice, which sent me to spawn as I was still holding down when I unexpectedly died. This is quite frustrating because it takes longer to get back into the game, which can cause you to miss out on attack damage, and can cause you to miss out on winning.

    The only thing that I can suggest is that the "Return to spawn" be moved to say slot 8, somewhere that can be accessed but not clicked by mistake.

    kuieren and Elecctricc like this.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Agreed! This should have been implemented when this design was being first thought out! Quite surprised that it actually hasn't been added sooner O. o
  3. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This happened to me, too, and its frustrating when it does. They probably didn't think that people could be eating a gapple when they die, and so they placed the lobby thing in the middle slot. It seems to me that putting it in the middle slot and not the first or second slot is just a cosmetic thing to look good. It's good that, if you do get sent to the lobby, if you rejoin within 10 seconds you won't lose any progress, since there's a 10 second countdown between dying and respawning. However, if you have lag, it might take more than 10 seconds to go back to the lobby and then back to the boss battle. +1
  4. cvul

    Dec 31, 2019
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    I'd love to see boss battles introduced into factions. So factions aren't always asking for pvp fights, maybe something like a spawn egg they can get from keys or envoys. Sort of like an event, but you only win if you get like the top 3 damage dealt etc. Yes i know you're talking about Skyblock, but when i saw boss battle it sort of gave me the idea of some in factions

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