Booster every week?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 4151, May 22, 2020.


Do you think we should have a booster every week

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    9 vote(s)
  1. 4151

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey There!
    Now boosters are very usefull well... only the market sell price booster. So i think we should have a booster every week.
    idk figure it out yourself staff :shrug:

    It should be a system so it automatically activates a booster on the set time.
    Do you think this should happen?
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    boosters are something ran by the community, so if you’re implying to have the server host a booster weekly, i am -1.
    however, if a player or group of players wanna arrange something, that would be cool. but also a lil unrealistic since its prison and people like to do boosters whenever the F they want and also that’d be a little expensive to keep up w/ consistently since market booster is 10 usd and never goes on sale.

    anywyas i think it’s a nice idea but couldn’t be kept up w/ for a whole season.
    have a great day
    mxbel and Mxats like this.
  3. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I kind of agree with this but probably not every week, as Lilly said above, a market booster is 10USD and in the end, it would cost the owners nearly 300$ worth of boosters, being given out. I think this could maybe happen bi-monthly. Therefore a market booster and charity time booster could be activited on a specific date, every 2 months. Keeping in mind that the community activates boosters pretty much every day, that's in Prison 1 from my knowledge.
    Anyways, seeing this implemented would be pretty neat.
    Have a good day!
    mxbel likes this.
  4. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey FireyGast,

    I totally see where you're coming from with this. I think that the boosters are best to be bought as it gives the whole server a bonus. I notice I see you around Prison Realm 2 a lot so I understand the concern. Prison 2 unfortunately doesn't get many boosters (Maybe 1 every 2 weeks) while Prison Realm 1 almost always one on. I think the idea for a server hosted is good for the 2nd realm. Usually people announce when they're going to be hosting a booster on P2 so it gets people prepared to sell their stocks.

    Here's the question, can players tip? How will they be notified when the booster is on? How can these boosters benefit everyone, as not everyone is from the same time zone?

    Have a great day! And drink water.
  5. seretinsky

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hey there!
    If this were to be implemented then I do not think that they should be at a set time each week. This is because with timezones this just wouldn't work and it would be unfair to the people that will have to wake up for the booster. If this were to be a thing I think that the times would have to be changed each week to make it fair on the players as everyone if from different time zones.
    Have a good day!
  6. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!
    If this idea were to be implemented, then it would have to be a booster for the full 24 hours of a day so that all timezones are well suited, and that is a lot of money for the owners to give out like that ($240) so I'm not sure if that is possible.
    Just like others said, maybe it could happen once a month, as a thank you to the fellow community for playing.
    It's not a bad idea, I think it's a very generous one but it would take a lot of time to prepare and make sure that everything is on point, otherwise, it might cause some issues.
    Have a great day everyone!
  7. Filiplayz

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Personally i do not agree with this suggestions due to the following reasons
    Boosters are a community driven perk/consumable, taking that away would not help the community
    Boosters bring a large amount of income for mc-central. if they had weekly boosters, players would no longer buy boosters
    Due to time zones they would probably have to do multiple to satisfy everyone

    Economy would destabilize
    While i don't agree with your suggestion, i do agree with the fact that they could do a few boosters a year for events, celebrations etc.
    Incarnati0n_ likes this.

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