Blatant cheaters Ban method (Logs) Ban evasion (Ban method)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Departition_, Jul 31, 2019.


What do you think about this?

  1. It would help a lot!

  2. Bad idea!

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  1. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Blatant Cheaters!

    As you may know a lot of players suggested to add “/report” to ban hackers in mini games or just normal sub servers. However a lot of people dislike the idea of this because it can be easily abused by players that are getting salty and they would just spam it. Now instead of adding this, I think a way for staff to spectate players is if the players were setting off anticheat logs such as: (Scaffold, Anti KB, Blatant Killaura, Glide, Blatant Autoclicker with over 20 cps, and Glide) As I think the current system for banning hackers is pretty slow.

    What this does is it automatically messages a moderator+ that a player has a failed a test and it shows that they were setting off logs that could mean they are possibly hacking and there would be a clickable button on the text that automatically drags you to spectate them no matter what subserver they are in and even minigames, most servers I play have this and that's how they are able to ban hackers very fast, (hint mmc, faithful, velt, viper, and more).

    Now good examples are pictures that can be viewed below:

    Screenshot (28).png

    Screenshot (29).png

    If you hire a good developer to make this, this could be pretty accurate like make it also based off of ping too, if the players are lagging very badly then it won't show the logs of it, also so it doesn't cause much spam in the chat for staff, I think it should be webhooked to a discord server that automatically shows the logs in a staff-only discord server so staff won't suffer much spam coming from it. This should only display the message to staff members if they are in staff mode.

    Ban Evasion!

    This is a pretty simple idea, now a lot of people have been complaining about hackers logging onto alts, now a lot of staff members just check their ip's manually from scratch and it takes a while for players to get ipbanned from the server, a friend of mine even stated in a discord call: "I have hacked on alts on this server for more than 4 months and it took me over 4 months to get ipbanned and I was on the same ip the entire time" if this is the case then I really suggest this idea to be implemented.

    What this idea is, is that it detects players on an ip that have over 2 accounts banned, after it is detected it will show a mod+ a message in the chat saying the player is ban evading, it will have a button at the bottom of the message that once clicked, it will automatically ipban the player that is evading. A lot of server I know also have this, I don't think this would cause a lot of spam for moderators either because I don't really think that many players are ban evading, it should only show the staff member the message when they are in staff mode, it's a pretty simple way to get rid of ban evaders.

    Make sure to answer the poll or reply below with an opinion on it!
    TomLeather, Dog7000 and DankPopTart like this.
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    From personal experience, unless you manage to get a plugin such as this one made VERY WELL it causes a LOT of spam. I can only imagine how annoying it would be if every single hacker set this off. Not saying it's a bad idea, just adding in that it can be superrrrr annoying lol

    That being said, I saw a version of this on a different server that displayed all usernames that were thought to be hacking in the grid of a chest. It allowed staff members to see what the anti=cheat was detecting and allow a staff member to teleport directly to them.

    In terms of ban evasion, it certainly seems odd to me that a server as large of MCC wouldn't have a plugin that automatically detected when the ip of a banned user is the same as a new player. . .

    Departition_ likes this.
  3. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello there,

    I think that this could potentially be a game-breaking idea for MCC as the anti-cheat currently is horrible.
    I believe that having something such as a plugin to detect cheaters would be wonderful but as AndriaCardun said, it could potentially cause massive amounts of spam for staff if the plugin isn't made well. With Ban Evasion I strongly believe that MCC needs to implement something has hackers usually have many alts.

    Thanks, Olli
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  4. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    That's why it should only do it if the staff member is in "staff mode" and also it should be webhooked to a staff-only discord server if using chat messages doesn't work out.

    I personally think the anti-cheat one should be added when the anticheat is in better shape.
  5. Pznda

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Great ideas you have made. I really do think that hackers on their second offence should be instantly ip-banned. Like the idea of sending logs of failed tests to staff. I know 95% of anticheats do this, so I know it would not be hard to implement.
    Departition_ likes this.
  6. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I didn't necessarily mean on their second hackig offence, I meant that if they had over 2 accounts banned on a single ip address it would automatically alert staff about it.
  7. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I definitely like the first idea, and although MCC has this in place for certain things (schematic alerts, autoclicker, etc) adding more alert options and giving mods the ability to teleport to the player would be invaluable.

    The second idea I'm more opposed to, although I realise my situation is rare. I have an alt falsely banned permanently, and get other alts falsely banned more often than not. With an automatic IP ban alert, I would've been IP banned 5-6 times already in the past few months. What I'd suggest for this is simple; increasing the accounts banned to 3 per IP before an alert is sent out, to protect those falsely banned on more than 1 account.
  8. heatchh

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I completely agree with your first part. While MCC does have a system of tests in place already for these sort of things, sometimes it feels like they just aren't enough and hackers still get away with blatantly cheating for a long time without being banned.

    As for the second idea, i completely agree with you. The server really needs to crack down on hackers and since many of the hackers just use alts to log onto the server, a more strict IP ban policy is invaluable and would be extremely helpful.
  9. Tiberius

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Personally, I think that for the ban evasion, what MCC could do is set off an alert if someone who is banned comes on the same IP, therefore if someone reports said player on an IP with a banned player, it could be an instant ban rather than going through the whole process of trying to record, upload, and report, and then wait 8 hours for the report to be checked. The only problem I see here is if that player has a sibling, and to fix that, we could wait until 5 reports or something like that come in about the same player and then insta-ban
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  10. fluf

    Jul 31, 2019
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    This probably would be the best Starting Point For MCC because right now, the anti-cheat is absolute garbage. It's like there is no anti-cheat at all.
  11. SatanStar

    Jul 26, 2019
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    It really is the best idea I've heard in my life, let me know if they add it.
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