Blacklisted Words and The Censorship of MCCentral

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CatBoyFable, Feb 19, 2020.


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  1. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello! I'm FableKing and I mainly play on the survival subserver and minigames.

    Before I get started, I liked to say that I'm grateful for some of the censorship that has been implemented; I simply wish that there would be a reconsideration for a few words. :D

    In the past twenty-four hours, I have gotten muted for saying a blacklisted word that I truly believe was surprising! I'm not going to repeat said word on the forums, of course; I don't want to repeat my mistakes.

    I understand that this censorship is implemented to stop prejudice and offensive comments; however, I question some of the words that are blacklisted. Especially words that Mods are surprised to hear that they're blacklisted!!

    Also, I believe that perhaps there should be a list of the words that cannot be said and the reasoning, if censorship is the route to go.

    I know that sounds redundant; I mean, yes, why put the words that we don't want to use on a forum post? Just so more people could try and bypass the system??

    I understand the concern of that idea; however, for people, who do not understand the blacklist reason, it would provide a reason.

    With this censoring, I believe that there's a strict approach to this. Rather ban the word, shouldn't we consider the conversation? In my situation, I was not insulting anyone; I was just trying to say "Pls don't be a [censored word] on here bc we're nice on this server :D". It was a new person on this server and, usually, when new people get on - so I've notice- they try to push the limits of the system (and yes, I know, not everyone). I got the messaged that the word was blacklisted and in shock, I said "[censored word] is a blacklisted word?? what???". A moderator was on and thus muted me, of course. I'm not upset by that, I understand each person has their job. If you've seen the TV show The Good Place created by Michael Schur I'd like you to take an approach like the show; rather than having or doing bad things without having the knowledge of doing so, thus getting punished, perhaps we should consider the morals and test that.

    I've even seen other reports by people expressing a similar situation; whether it was just friendly banter or a situation like mine, and I believe that perhaps we should consider a reform. It may take more time to take this approach; however, I believe that, morally and ethically, this is a solid approach.

    But, of course, I'd like to hear your input and explanation if you disagree :D I'm not sure how running a server works, so I could be asking for the impossible!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this though! Have a good day :D

  2. iluvu

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Hello, unfortunately I'm going to have to disagree with your post because the message does say "attempting to bypass this filter will result in punishment", meaning that regardless of your intention you bypassing it is obviously still punishable. However, what I do agree with you on is adding two lines to the message, one stating that you can /blacklistcheck (word) to see which are blacklisted, and another one stating "do /blacklistcheck list (number)" to display the list rather than every one needing to be checked manually (I don't believe there is a way to do this currently so that would be an addition to the command, and the word list obviously doesn't need to be checked so the removal of it is fine), but as for actual system changes I do not see any that would be beneficial. P.S I know the rules page states you can blacklistcheck, but this is not helpful for someone who has not read the rules page / isn't aware that we have a website.
    CatBoyFable likes this.
  3. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Thanks for your response! I appreciate it a lot! I understand the implications of the bypass; however, I believe that the blacklist is limiting the vocabulary that the community can use- of course, in a appropriate manner, which sounds odd, haha. I just believe if people are joking around, calling each other names, that shouldn't be punishable. I believe the context of how the word is being used should be checked, rather than just banning the whole word in general. It's like if one person has a peanut allergy we should just get rid of all peanuts (over-exaggerate analogy, I know, but it portrays the idea swell). Of course, I'm only meaning words that aren't as offensive as others. It's hard to give examples since that would be punishable. I hope that makes some sense though! To be honest, censorship is a theme that I have very strong opinions towards so that's why I bring it up. Again, thank you for the response! :D
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello hello! a similar post was made a while back by a staff (post can be found: here). for the most part, i disagree with this. i find that having a public list for anyone to see can further “encourage” the blacklisted words to be said and bypassed. as yourbbg already mentioned, “/blacklistcheck <word>” is always an option; however, might not be known about for through all players.
    as far as your mute went, since there was a staff online, you could have “/msg”’d them since there is no filter when you run commands like “/pc” and “/m”. if you’re still muted and wanna get unmuted, you can appeal... but i’m assuming it’s already expired by now.
    for a system to change, or something, i don’t find that the most necessary when the system mcc has now works, nmight not be the best, but it’s not shit like some other servers have.

    overall, i disagree with your post // -1
    have a nice day :)
    CatBoyFable likes this.
  5. FireBubbles

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I say MCC should have full on freedom of speech, no blacklisted words.
    puposaurus and CatBoyFable like this.
  6. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hi! Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! I understand that this system works; however, it is limiting. To go into detail, I know a few blacklisted words that can function to have other meanings and there are some words that may be considered inappropriate that are, in fact, not blacklisted! Hell, at this point let's just blacklist any word that can possibly be used offensively! That's the argument I'm trying to make. I can simply insult someone by just calling them a "Poisonous bunch-backed toad!" (lol from Richard III - Shakespeare). I wish the world was nice, truly, and I wish that people wouldn't insult others; however, just by taking the word away kinda limits the vocabulary of others. And as for the inappropriate insults, I've seen it day after day, "you're gay HAHA". Coming from a member of the LGBT+ community, I get so exhausted by seeing these comments; however, I learn that I am the better person. And I do not want this word to get blacklisted if it becomes more of an issue because it's a part of my identity.

    I hope that makes more sense. Thank you, once again.
  7. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I do not think this would work well because almost every blacklisted word corresponds to a rule. For example a lot of blacklisted words when bypass are punished with explicit conversation. I do not think it would healthy at all for the server if there were no chat rules. This, I disagree with your suggestion. Have a nice day!
    guih likes this.

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