Auction House Suggestion

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by iFootball, Sep 27, 2019.


Have you ever had a problem deciding how much to sell an item for?

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  1. iFootball

    Sep 27, 2019
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    My suggestion that I feel would help a plethora of new players is to add a sold page to the /ah. This would help users look at items that have previously sold to get a grasp on the overall economy and prices of things within the server. When I first started playing, I constantly had to ask people the prices of items to get a grasp on how much I should put something up for. I'm not saying asking is necessarily a bad thing, but you would no longer have to trust someone to tell you the correct amount as well as just having a second option to exercise sound judgement when selling an item. Now I understand there is a technical aspect to this, I don't know how the cached information would be stored or if it would cause a problem. If possible I would like to see this implemented into the server next reset to help all players.
    BedirhanCetin and AZXG like this.
  2. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey iFootball,

    That is a nice idea; however I don't think having a page of previously sold items would work int he way you are expecting.
    There are lots of items on the /ah that are sold often and frequently - as such the 'recently sold' items page would mainly be those items.
    It'd need a full search system with history of items sold and its average value. (Which could easily be manipulated)

    I don't think this is something that would be implemented any time soon due to the complexity of it.
    Though, it is a good idea!
    puposaurus, BedirhanCetin and AZXG like this.
  3. Syn


    Jul 22, 2019
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    When a player like me asks people to put some item I dont want to make on AH for exorbitant prices, I don't think that helps.
  4. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there iFootball,

    I dont think adding a sold page would be a suitable idea to combat this problem. Usually on both skyblock realms, are people advertising their islands with shops included. You could warp to these islands to see what other players are buying/selling items for and gage the price yourself.

    Its a -1 from me unfortunately

    Thanks, Olli
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. iFootball

    Sep 27, 2019
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    While I agree with you partially, only shop items are typically sold at user's warps. No spawners, enchanted goods, or key chest items are sold at warps. A new player is prone to buy a key at the start of a new season to get a head start; how would he go about figuring out the price of a /bottle paper, explosive pic, mythical gear, etc. There is simply no alternative other than asking somewhat untrustable community members. It is impossible to self evaluate the economy and gauge the price of an item as a new player. Only experienced players who have tons of hours monitoring /ah, chat, and the market would know. Thus, why I think its imperative that this is added. But as stated above, its a complex feature and probably won't be added in this next season.
  6. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree that players would be able to potentially get these items but these items are a super super rare drop. Even if a player did get one of these items they would either use it themselves or ask in chat what the price is. Usually a few people would take the time to say what they believe the price is. Even if the player isnt happy with that they may decide to hold an auction and the highest price will get the item. Either way, there are many times that players put items in ah that are overpriced and times that they are underpriced. Therefore the market will usually balance out in the end anyway

    Thanks, Olli

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