Aliases for More Commands

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by iSloth, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hey there
    Recently, /g was implemented as an alias for /gang in prisons. After seeing that change, it made me think about other places in the server where aliases would useful and make typing commands easier.
    The first alias I want to discuss is /friend. It could be shortened to /f so that you don't need to type out the whole word every time you want to see if any of your friends are online or for anything else. The main problem I can see with it is its confliction with the /f command in factions, which is used very often because it is the base of every command related to your faction. However, the /friend alias would not be implemented into factions to avoid confliction.
    Another command I would like to see with an alias is /party. This could easily be shortened down into /p. What are your thoughts on this?
    veleds and Personalisation like this.
  2. Bequty_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I would totally agree! There are many basic commands that I would love to see shortened especially /p for /party and also maybe even /mf for /msgf because I always type that one wrong with all the random letters. Anyways I agree 100% and would love for some alternative ways to type these basic commands
    iSloth likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo! i can def see where you’re coming from on the friends thing, and again with the factions thing could be a small issue. for the shortend party thing,i like this idea; however i can see a problem with it. mostly in subservers like creative, prison, and survival where there are plots. doing “/p” for party could get the system confused with “/p shortcut” for plots. and you don’t need to type “/party” for party chat, you can type “/pc”. also, typing “/party” isn’t too much of a problem since you really only need to do it to invite someone and/or kick n’ all that. i don’t really find it a problem typing the “arty” for inviting a new player or promote to party leader. there are v few party commands, i don’t see the full need to shorten it to “/p” when that can conflict subserver mike creative, prison, and survival al since party is a global command, and not everyone uses parties for just minigames (at least for me).
    iSloth likes this.
  4. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I agree as well, it is really annoying having to type everything fully like for example "/party, /friend, /playtime, ...". It would be handy if they had implemented aliases for those commands so using them will be much easier and faster. Bequty has stated above that she/he always types /msgf wrong.. well the same applies to me. Aliases can be very useful and make our lives much easier.

    Yours Sincerely,
    iSloth likes this.
  5. HowToFaction

    Jan 19, 2020
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    Howdy iSloth!

    I totally agree that they should add shortcuts to long commands but it would definitely mess up sub servers if that were the case for example /p would be confusing since it would pop up plots and party commands. Making a shortcut for /friend into /f and implanting it to every sub server expect factions would probably confuse tons of people since they'll all be used to be typing /f for their friends and whenever they type it on faction it doesn't work which would probably result in tons of people asking about it on the forums or discord. In summary, there are certain shortcuts that should be added but would cause confusion. I personally say revert /g back into /gang and make /g into /guild and make /p show party commands instead of it showing your plot commands. So for example, if I want to see gang commands on prisons I do /gang, if I want to see guild commands I could do /g or /guild, if I want to see party commands I can do /party or /p and if I want to see plot commands I do /plot.

    Thank you for reading my opinion and have a beautiful day/night!

    - Jen/HowToFaction
    iSloth likes this.
  6. veleds

    Oct 14, 2019
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    maybe even /fr if /f is already for factions. would definitely make things a lot quicker when trying to check your friends list or go to message a friend.

    definitely a solid idea!
    iSloth likes this.

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