AFK Timer In Minigame Lobbies - Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Smashhhh, Jul 30, 2019.


Should The AFK Timer Be Removed In Minigame Lobbies?

  1. Yes (note. This is in the mini game lobby. Not ingame.)

  2. No (note. This is also in the lobby. Not ingame)

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  1. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In theory the AFK or “Away From Keyboard” timer is a great idea, it kicks you from the game or MiniGame lobby if you aren't actively moving around. After two minutes of not moving, you will see a warning that says in ten seconds you will be kicked for being AFK. So after a total of two minutes and ten seconds, you are kicked for being AFK. This can help prevent players from hiding in a map, tossing a salt shaker on their shift key, or whatever else is handy, and waiting for everyone else to give up or accidentally kill themselves. Giving them an easy win by literally not doing anything.

    While I have been kicked countless times for being afk InGame (chatting and such), I understand the reasons for it and why we should keep moving while the game is active.

    But, while we are in lobby, we are all waiting for the same thing. The game to start. We aren't hiding, we aren't trolling, and we aren't doing anything else but sitting there and chatting or surfing the web, changing our music, or in my case, writing this article.

    This isn't a thread about activity in the MiniGames, but it is asking for a change in the MiniGame LOBBY AFK timer. I would like to be able to do whatever I want while I am waiting for the game to start, which could be up to 15 minutes or more before it does so. I really don't want to have to go back every few seconds to move around just enough for the timer to restart, then get back to whatever else I was doing.

    I believe that the AFK timer should be active INGAME, but DISABLED in the lobby before the game starts. Thoughts, comments, and criticisms always welcome. Thanks for reading!

    puposaurus and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't really see a need to remove it, but that's just my opinion. If you're in a waiting lobby waiting for a game to start, if you're AFK for over 2 minutes then you're running a pretty good chance of the lobby filling up and the game starting before you return to the game, which means you would be afk during the start of the game. Which, in almost any minigame, is a one-way ticket to dying and losing the game.

    Also in games like murder mayhem where the entire game is dependent upon the murderer doing their job and not being afk, I'd rather them be removed before the game starts than having to wait 2 minutes for the game to automatically end and no one get the points for killing them.

    I know what you mean and I get where you're coming from, but it's honestly just better for everyone to have the afk timer in lobbies as well.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can definitely see a need for this. I have been afk kicked several times while doing tasks outside of mc while waiting for games to start. I can see a reason for a game like murder mayhem having it though.

    Have a great day!
    BrysonOA likes this.
  4. eyan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I don't think it should be removed entirely, but maybe the amount of time we could spend while afk could be lengthened. Maybe we should also have more messages that tell us when we're kicked to give us a little more of a notice, because there were many occasions where I just missed the end of the 10 second timer and watched myself get kicked. Most minigames on the server require a substantial amount of waiting to start, and we can all agree that waiting is no fun.

    Maybe there could also be something for us to do while we wait in the lobbies to keep us from just standing around and getting kicked. I know survival games and CTF have a bit of parkour, but that parkour gets pretty easy after a while and doesn't really keep you busy for all too long. The other minigame lobbies should definitely get some of their own parkour as well.

    idk, just food for thought.

    Thanks for the thread!
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
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