Add One in the Chamber back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Twizzlerrs, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. Twizzlerrs

    Dec 18, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hey! Just recently started playing this game and server again been here for a while now but otherwise. You guys should totally bring One in the Chamber back was on of my favorite games and overall really enjoyable. Since I haven't played in a while was there a reason it was taken out? Thanks!
  2. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd love OITC back; but problem was, it was a dead minigame in the arcade section - it'd most likely still be a dead minigame if it comes back.
    Though, in saying that, survival games recently got re-popular and is now the most played minigame, so who knows, maybe it could do well!
    Departition_ and Twizzlerrs like this.
  3. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    It was taken out because nobody was playing it which is a shame really. I'd love to see it readded but what would happen if nobody played it once more? It would become like speedy walls where you get in one game about every 6 months. If this was to be added again, then I think it would be better if it was a subserver rather than a mini game, since that way it would always be playable even with just two people.
    Twizzlerrs likes this.
  4. yungjunior

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I mean nobody plays speedy walls... and even tsw lobbies are struggling to fill. I’ve seen many people talk about OITC returning so I think it would do very well.
    Twizzlerrs likes this.
  5. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! I think this is a great idea. In my opinion, i think some mini games need changed/replaced with better ones and One In The Chamber is a great idea! I used to always play it in minigames on different servers and it was very enjoyable so seeing it on MCC may get more people playing minigames.
    Twizzlerrs likes this.
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey twiz,
    while the argument that it was a dead Minigames sense it's removal is valid, I also think that it could return. Given that it is a game mode that only needs 2 players to play, it doesn't seem like it would be that hard. It seems so easy to message a friend and invite them to play, just one. And if none of your friends are online (or you have none) you can simply jump onto a subserver like survival or Skyblock and say "anyone wanna play OITC" and you'll only need 1 person to reply to you. I'd say there's no reason you wouldn't be able to find someone to play with you unless you're the most hated player on the server who's known for toxicity etc. To add onto this, even in AU times you would have more difficult luck getting a Solo Skywars game to start than OITC because of how many additional players you need to skywars.

    Personally I think OITC is a really fun game, and although I'm not even CLOSE to being decent at it (I'm talking 3:20 KDR average), I think it's a fun game which I would like to see return.

    These are just my opinions on this proposal :)
    Twizzlerrs likes this.

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