Add A Suggestions Section On Forums

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ItsFerno, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. ItsFerno

    Jul 23, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Just dropping a suggestion, why not add other reactions to forums? We currently only have "Like" - I thought it would be lit if we added some more, for example: dislike, love, hate, funny, meme worthy, mad lad, etc...

    I'd also be willing to design the icons for the other reactions/emojis if that's what you want.
  2. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'd prefer if it stayed only likes, if you ask me having like 10 different reactions just makes things look cluttered and messy. I'd much rather just have 100 likes instead of 28 this, 35 that, ect ect ect. But that's just my opinion.
    ItsFerno likes this.
  3. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think your idea is fine for things like Discord, where there's a lot going on at once and the different message reactions are a lot more usable. Since the forums is really only for ideas, problems, small discussion, etc, it makes sense to keep the reactions to just 'like'. It's cleaner, it promotes positivity, and it's an easy way to let both the forum users and the staff team know what opinions/ideas are popular.
  4. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    Like stated above your best bet to get in easy contact with admins or moderators about these type of things would have to be discord. I believe they actually have a spot just for them. If you would like a link to the discord here I'll put it below

    MCC Discord:
  5. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Actually sending suggestions on Discord isn't necesarely a good idea. It can be used, but most of the times tagging staff with improvement ideas won't lead to anything. I personally think that threads like these allow players to discuss the idea, which is better than just sending it to staff. We don't have any separate section for server ideas on Discord.

    As for the topic of this thread, you seem to have 2 ideas; adding Server Idea forums back and adding more reactions. I personally think that the Server Idea forums would be great to have back, as it's easier to read all ideas in 1 place instead of multiple sub-forums. I will bring this up in the Admin call.

    I don't agree with adding more reactions. I think that "Likes" are enough. Adding more of them would make it a bit crowded and the actual meaning of the reactions could be unclear to some, for example the reaction "Mad Lad" which you suggested.
  6. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I've seen multiple reactions on other server forums and the main issue with it is that a lot of people like the troll with them (ie disliking posts from admins, etc.) and it gets really cluttered and confusing. I think a long time ago we had a dislike option on the enjin forums as well and it didn't work out super well. Things like "Creative" and "Funny" might be okay but even then just having "like" is fine too. This'd be especially odd considering we have "most messages" and "most likes" tabs on the members page and if we all of a sudden had more tabs for "most funny reactions" etc. then it'd get even more confusing.
    Invader likes this.
  7. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Players on Xenforo absolutely always tend to abuse the ratings on this forum site. I think just having the liking feature on the site is perfect as how it was before.

    Although it was un-confirmed other staff have stated in other threads like this that something like this more than likely won't happen.

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