Abuse of "Cake Bombs"

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by creeper7777777, Apr 24, 2020.

  1. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello everyone,
    In skyblock 1, there's a new trend of making so called "cake bombs" or "soup bombs." It's where you use /shop to buy 64 cakes, which actually gives a stack of cakes in 1 inventory slot. This is different, because normally you can't stack cakes or soup in your inventory. This means that, if you drop it to someone, it fills every available slot in their inventory with cake (also interchangeable with soup, since it's not stackable either).

    Normally this is just a minor annoyance, and just a way to have some fun, since anyone can easily dispose of the cake/soup quickly, although recently it's been abused. People are dropping hundreds of cake bombs on the block where people spawn in the server, which is more annoying since now if you do /spawn there's a chance your inventory will get filled every time. But a more major concern is that people opening keys at spawn will not receive their items. Someone said this in chat the other day, that they were opening a key and got cake-bombed in the process, and did not receive the item.

    Either they should make it so you can't buy unstackable items in stacks, or make more verification that it's safe to give the player opening a key their item. (Yes, they should use /key, although not everyone knows that, plus it's more fun to watch the animation after paying real life money). While "cake bombs" are fun, if they are the cause of someone losing items they paid real life currency for, they need to go.
    EBallan and abbzyy like this.
  2. Dinojulie

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I've also seen this happen before. hopefully they can do something about it.. maybe if you see it happen try to record it and report it as gameplay trolling ? Or indeed fix the fact that you can buy stacks of soup/cake. ofcourse its very frustrating that this happened.. i hope they find a solution soon!

    Dino <3
  3. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    People dropping massive amounts of cakes/items will be banned. And like you said, people can do /keys on their island.
  4. Breazia

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ive also seen this happen with wooden shovels, sheers, and leather amour etc.

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