About staff and the server

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CheeseBoi27, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I'm making this for the staff of the server and the owner. I think that first off this server really needs new staff cause most of every staff does not do what they should be doing. Like I heard of this one staff who muted my friend because they said no to sending nudes to someone. And then too, I got muted for typing in chat like 4 times in a row and got muted for 4 days, like BRO thats way to much time for a small thing and I only had 3 mutes at that time. And when I texted him about it he literally said he would mute me in 2 days but never ever did. And too I've heard of staff literally saying no to reports of people hacking. Its just that really most of all staff needs to be like not staff. And plus you people do not know if a person is good. First off, you really like, some staff are not 14 or over I know. The thing is that when they apply for staff, they could be lying on each part of it possibly, at least like the last few parts. Like the age, they could literally be lying. I just think that you all need to get new staff cause right now, most of every staff is literally the worst. And too another thing for the server itself.... Add more maps, I dont care if a map is not as good as the other ones, but at least its better then playing the same maps over and over and over again. Like whats the point of having the map thing when you all literally never accept the maps. Like BRO ACCEPT SOME MAPS ALREADY. And too add some new gamemodes or something. Like add double Murder Mystery and DONT YOU DARE tell me "oh we dont have enough people for that". LOOK AROUND, THE REASON WHY YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE IS CAUSE ITS THE SAME OLD THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. If you really want this server to grow then keep adding new things, making it better, getting rid of terrible staff. Cause I've seen people literally leave this server and never coming back because of a staff member. And the staff report thing in my opinion is terrible, because I know that some staff would deny a staff report just because that staff is their friend. I think the owner of this server should actually do stuff to some of the staff cause like, some staff will fight back and like not accept some staff reports or something cause they dont wanna lose staff or something. So I think that the owner should deal with all the staff not the staff itself. There is 2 owners so like, cant one do one thing and the other do one other thing. Like its not hard. So yea, just wanted to say all this and hopefully actually make staff and the owner understand that they are not doing their best they could be doing. So yea.

    Vincus_HD likes this.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there.

    I understand you can't get along with everyone on the server, staff included. If you happen to see a staff member breaking a rule, the best way to deal with that is to collect some evidence and make a staff report here. You can also DM a mentor or admin with the evidence if you feel it is urgent or too minor to make a report ticket on.

    When a staff member applies, they are required to join a call with one of the applications team members in order to prove their age and understanding of the rules on MCC. This is pretty foolproof, and the apps team is known to make exceptions for people younger than 14 who show they are mature enough to be staff. This is fine as is.

    As for maps, there is a minigame revamp scheduled but there is no set date. I agree, playing the same old maps gets very tiring, but keep in mind the build team was disbanded and MCC now relies mainly on community submissions. There aren't many submissions everyone can get behind, so picking maps to implement is certainly a challenge. The staff team has no say in how these maps are selected.

    If you have any suggestions for the server like gamemodes, I would strongly recommend you make a post in the suggestions forum. I would like MCC to expand what it already has (or had - OITC) and make the current selection better instead of piling on more games that may or may not take off.

    The owners have lots of work to do, with subserver resets, Factions resets, the minigames revamp and dealing with host and backend issues. The mentor team and admins exist to guide the lower staff and make sure that realm is in order. If you think a mentor may be biased, just message a different mentor. All mentor team members can see staff reports, so it's not like one of them can just sweep it under the rug.

    I hope I was able to answer some of your questions and clear things up a bit for you. Have a nice day.
    Xermes likes this.
  3. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I mean for the maps, it does not seem they want new maps cause I'm sure that at least 2 maps would be accepted, theres tons of maps that are summited and each and everyone of them does not get accepted. And one thing they can do is go onto the map and do the stuff to make it better. Honestly as I said, I dont think most of all staff are doing their best, at all. And for the staff part, its not getting the part of getting along with them. Its like letting them do their jobs. Cause most staff are not good, at doing their jobs. I honestly just think that for the staff reports, the staff should not look at but mostly the owner. Cause as I said, what if......I report this staff member and this one staff deny's it because its his friend. I'm very sure that like, that exact thing has happened a few times. Most staff on here are really not responsible much at all
    Xermes likes this.
  4. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The owner can't just deal with staff reports, there are lots of staff and lots of situations that he may not have witnessed or been able to help with. The mentor team exists to be a more active, more community-level staff manager, instead of the owner.
  5. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Thats why the other owner should actually do stuff, I mean, one owner do one thing and the other do the other

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