A simple way to combat botters

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by koh7, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. koh7

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Implementing this into direct-spawn areas would provably prevent the amount of bots acting on behalf of the server. Having commands disabled and chat disabled until you move out of that direct-spawn region would be an effective way to prevent bots from executing commands and spamming chat. Yes, I am pretty sure there are bot consoles that allow you to move your bots to a different destination - however I believe it would be incredibly difficult to 1-by-1 solve each captcha on every account and then have them all move. This permission restraint should be removed on accounts with coal rank or higher, due to alts / console clients.
    xBenz, guih and iluvu like this.
  2. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey! I believe this was a thing in the older lobby (pre mid last year ish) so it might have been replaced with captcha. However a lot of spam bots go on other servers with either commands or other things which might ruin the purpose but as you said people can do like auto run things I guess so yeah. However I would like to see more protection on spam bots.

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    MCC Community Member
  3. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    With the current issues of the server, I couldn't agree with you more that we need to implement something to prevent these bots from being able to chat when joining servers.
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In my personal opinion, I think the captcha is sufficient. It's been a very long time since I saw someone come on with a massive amount of bots to try and spam the chat. Anyone who does all the captchas on 50 some accounts just to say a few words and immediately have them all banned is just wasting their time and efforts.

    Though, in my opinion an even easier way to get rid of bots would be to check if a sent message shares any similarities with both their last few sent messages, and the last few sent messages in chat. Could take all the words in both messages and compare them to see if they share any of the same words. If the amount of repeated words is above x%, block the message. Pretty straightforward. This would also block when like 10 people answer someone's question (only first answer would be shown), and almost completely remove group spam. Additionally, this would also render the "This is a message [#598102398]" spam bots completely useless. The randomly generated number that makes the messages "different" isn't as hard to work around as everyone thinks.
  5. Kyee__

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I really like the idea of this. Like still make it you can still talk in spawn but not talk when you are within a 20 block radius of the actual spawn point. I feel like this would be good. like make actual chat disabled within the 20 block radius and thats for everyone.
  6. Hey!

    I definitely agree with you on this idea. Bots are currently a massive issue for the server and dealing with them has not been easy. I think that implimenting such systems would be great; However, today in factions I saw a lot of bots lined up close to the spawning region. This means that the bots are moving to avoid being in the spawning region which would prevent this idea from working. I think another solution to this bot issue is for the server to have max users on one IP at one time!

    Visit likes this.
  7. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    This is a great idea and should be added to all subserver. You must be in wilderness or at a plot in order to talk t prevent the spam bots that come on the server every once in a while. despite if the bots will move, I think it should be added anyways.
  8. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I must agree with you. However, it would be discovered really quickly and bypassed. If only there was a thing that detects the time gap between messages and kicks the user if they’re being sent too fast (it could be a feature in the MCCAC), the problems would be solved. The “anti-bot” feature could also send messages in the staff punishments log, as if someone had manually kicked the person.
  9. RigBot

    Jul 22, 2019
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    making bots move forward is easy; it’s just a waste of time if it’s going to be bypassed with one click

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