I cannot find a short command for /chest or /chest2 /Enderchest has /ec /Wrokbench has /wb /c brings up.../quest... Any chance we could make /c and /c2 do the chest commands in the future? And maybe move /quest to /q if it's available. That would be wonderful, honestly a lot more useful than /c being quest, it's not like you bring that up repeatedly.
Hey! i agree with your idea: adding an alias to /chest and /chest2 would be useful when farming or pvping. I usually store farming crops in the chests and when im in need of money i just type /chest or /chest2 to make some extra cash. It’d be much easier if we could use /c and /c2 instead of typing the whole command. Thank you for the suggestion. I’m a +1 to your idea and i really want to see it getting added in the future
Hey, I like this idea because some days I am an actual bot at typing and some commands are just a long hassle to write out. So therefore it would be more convenient to have a smaller command! +1
Hey! I agree with this idea. Sometimes you need to grab items from your chest and it's a hassle to type chest1 , chest2 all the time. Maybe a command such as ./C1 and ./C2 would be useful! Agreed!