A Guide to Avoid Prison Scams

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Aug 31, 2019.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello All,
    Recently I've seen many people asking if scamming is allowed on prison and saying that they have been scammed. A notice to any new players: Scamming is 100% allowed and not punishable on Prison. Although many people are against scamming and death trapping being allowed, the best we can do is help prevent it. Here are some tips for avoiding scams.

    Tip #1: When you see someone advertise in chat "free spawners" or "free beacons" and say the plot, think about it this way, is it too good to be true? I mean its not very often that you'd see someone giving away free spawners. When you see someone advertise, take a minute to think about it, and if you really believe that its not a scam, then you're putting possibly a lot at risk. If you are going to fall for it and TP or go to their plot, do yourself a favour and don't have all your important items in your inventory. If it's not a scam, then great! good for you, but I'm sure you won't be too happy when you lose that item you got from your mythical key. This is especially important for players who do not have access to /fly, because if its a plot fall trap, you will lose all your items.

    Tip #2: If someone advertises a maze at their plot, you always should empty your balance onto banknotes before going. I can guarantee you that almost every prison maze is a scam, especially if there are signs or banners covering the view. If you do it slowly, you can turn around and see the amazing prices you can pay for a stick, or tasty piece of cobblestone. Personally, it's better to just completely avoid these plots. If someone's advertising a maze, or a hit the button game, its always going to be a scam. The best thing you can do, is not even bother trying it out.

    Tip #3: While this tip is more common on factions, always remember to never accept /tpahere requests, unless they are from someone you trust. Like I said, this is more useful on factions as I find that you come across more random tpahere request from random people on there compared to prison, but either way, be careful as it could be a scam. Again, if you are going to accept it, empty your inventory and do yourself a favour.

    Tip #5: My final tip applies to 'profit shops'. I have never seen a profit shop on prison that is not a scam. Now, I'm sure there might be a diamond in the rough somewhere that I haven't seen, but every single profit shop ive seen is a total waste of time if you enjoy having your riches. If you would like to take your chances and try it out, your best bet is to do it slowly and look at each sign before buying and selling. I can assure you, Ive made the mistake of seeing most the signs are perfectly profitable, then boom one took away all my money in replacement of a stick because I sprinted past them right clicking them.

    Please look after yourself and be careful in the future !!!
    Nikki <3
    #1 Nikki_, Aug 31, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2020
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo nicholas!
    first off, love the choice of colors! second, i find this useful; however, i like to tell rookies to just "try and find out" whenever they ask >:)
    thirdly, your photo isnt loading :(
    also fourthly, the scams that could seem legit, but aint (like /p h sleepi)... be sure the read the item write.. like if its spawner.. make sure it says spawner and not seomthing like shovel. this also applies to scams where theres multiple signs and once of 'em is 1000000$ foe 100 tokens while the rest are 1000000 for 1 token. o.O

    thanks m8 for taking the time to write out this post for the community.. and have an spazzzTasstic day fillied with puppies and candyy!
    ~poopoosaurus :D
  3. Poclam

    Jul 22, 2019
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    + If you're doing an irl deal make sure to get a staff middleman since they aren't allowed to scam. Safest way to make trades is with them involved.
  4. Lunatix

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Thanks for making this post and i hope a lot of people see this and learn how to avoid scams because i have been scammed a lot on prison and I used to when Prison was my favourite subserver. Like a week ago I was trading my /vote tokens and i had about 30 of them and i was going to trade the tokens for something on Kitpvp and then they tped me into Pvp and killed me and it was very frustrating. :D
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    item scams: people will sell “money pouches” that will be renamed saying “from 40m to 50m”. those aren’t real and they will take your money
  6. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If you ask around some people have set up plots in prisons 1 teaching you how to avoid the most common scams. Also if you aren't sure about something on AH if its a scam or not, ask some of the high ranks people on the server and they will often help you out.
  7. W5vil

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thread has been bumped so I will lock it.
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