A better social system.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Elecctricc, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Very true!
    I was thinking that if a best friend system did get implemented then I feel like this announcement would only work if the player could choose who they want to see these announcement messages for (aka their selected "best friends")
    6hb likes this.
  2. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey Elecctricc!

    I like this idea of having a best friends list, it could add a whole new layer to the friends system.

    To manage the chat flood that could happen if you had a lot of friends you could also make it so you have to toggle the join message on for certain friends. For example /fr toggle (name) would toggle the join message on assuming that the default is off.

    The only issue that I see with this is with staff members, If a well known player has most of the staff team on their friends list and the announcements toggled on they could easily toggle their hacks on and off when staff leave/join. BUT! This could all be avoided by implementing the best friends system you were talking about.

    Overall I think this is a great suggestion that I'd love to see implemented in the future.

    Hope you're having a great day/night
    6hb (jake)
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Indeed! This should benefit the community in the long run and add a more modernized/professional feel to the way that the current friend system works. I still would like to see the friend system switched to a GUI based system rather than command to make more user friendly however, in these times we can't be picky now can we! ;p

    That is true! Maybe an exception could be made to staff members so that their cover isn't blown or for the best friend announcement to be actually announced, both player1 and player2 need to make eachother bestfriends? While it is a little more complicated, I hope that a dev sees this and takes some of the ideas into account or is able to modify a current one and make it better.
    - Elecctricc.
  4. Bruno

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey, I really like your ideas! In my opinion, the most interesting topic is the ability to flip through chats. I've always wanted it to be added because doing /pc every time you want to send a message to people in your party is really annoying. +1
    I agree with what he said. This could be fixed by creating an option to toggle this announcement.
    Elecctricc likes this.
  5. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Electricc!

    I admire your suggestions and I shall go through them now.
    1. First of all, abbreviations to /friend (/fr) with add/remove etc would be a fine idea. It’s not as big as the other suggestions but every little thing is good :) I would love to see it added, even if it’s too hard to do to save you from typing 5 letters rarely. +1 but really is up to developers of MCC.
    2. Friend request toggle. Yeah, I don’t mind it. I see it might come useful for the owners or just people who don’t really want people friending them. +1 to this.
    3. /Fm instead of /msgf. +1 as it is a lot easier to type (especially back and forth, but I would really like to see /frr (friend reply) like /r on sub servers and in the lobby.
    4. Best friends. Very +1. I have a lot of people on my friend list and I think that having favourite friends would be helpful to see where your closest friends are. I also noticed this might be helpful for MCC Staff Members as a lot of staff occasionally just accept any friend requests in case someone needs a msg in game but then there close friends pop up first. +1!
    5. Friend is online announcements. I think this could be added as it is helpful at least it is toggle-able for both people so people don’t want people stalking them and so people can turn it off if they don’t really care.
    6. Friend joins server announcements. Eh -1 for me. I feel like the majority of people don’t really want to know this stuff and it may get annoying if people are switching servers often causing unintentional command spam.
    7. /Party to /p. Hmm.. wouldn’t this effect plots like /p kick for party and plots? I know it is rare for people to be on parties in sub servers but some use it as a group chat.
    8. /Chat switch. Hmm... Maybe Pile ;) It could be nice but also to swap from Global, Team, Party, Guild etc May be annoying. We’ll see :)
    Keep up great suggestions buddy.
    Have a nice day!
    -Me :D
    Elecctricc likes this.
  6. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there!
    I completely agree with about everything you mentioned. I also think that you should be able to toggle whether you see the friend joining or not. Just like others have mentioned, if you have a lot of friends, you might get spammed a lot. There is also a load of other things that I see that can be added such as toggling tp for everyone and not just staff members as it does get annoying at times. Good work :) Keep it going.
    Hope everyone has a nice day!
    Elecctricc likes this.
  7. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Great ideas! I think that these would greatly add to the experience.


    Stay well!
    Elecctricc likes this.
  8. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I really like a lot of your suggestions, and I think the friend system does needs some revising. I love the idea of being able to toggle friend request notifications, and I can see how that would really benefit someone like a staff member. I also like the idea of a best friend system; however, I'd just tweak a few of your ideas to make it player friendly.

    I don't think abbreviating the /friend ____ command is a bad idea, but like Ankh said, I'd much prefer to have /fr specifically be a 'friend reply' command instead of an abbreviation. /friend add, /friend remove, /friend list, all these commands aren't very urgent (i.e. you won't really be using these mid-game). However, I know I use /msgf (user) frequently to keep in touch with friends I'm not currently playing a minigame with, while I'm in a game. /fr as friend reply would make sense as well, given how /msg and /r already works serverwide.

    I do like the idea of a best friends list, but I don't think your announcements system needs to be as intrusive as it is. I love the idea of an announcement for when a best friend joins your subserver/lobby. I don't love the idea of a leave message, or messages constantly alerting you to your friend's whereabouts. I also don't really get how the best friend system works. Can someone on my friends list add me to their best friends, and then follow my every move without me knowing? That seems very intrusive to me, and would hurt the staff team especially hard. What I'd suggest is that:
    1) Two players both have to mutually approve of adding each other to their best friends list before they're actually added
    2) The announcements (except for a join announcement) are ditched.​

    I also agree with what Ankh said about /pc and other channels, and don't think that adding a chat toggle would be a smart move.

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