8th October 2019

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    8th October 2019
    - Fixed an exploit in our Holograms plugin which could potentially be used maliciously
    - Appeals form on the website has been updated to ask for your Discord Username if applicable
    - Fixed a bug on UHC which resulted in the server crashing on startup
    - In the "/kits" GUI on KitPvP we have fixed a typo with "Kit Potions"
    - Fixed an issue where backups of our databases every day would result in big lag spikes across the network
    - Cronjobs have been cleaned up on all of our machines (Some old crons which were no longer needed were still in action)
    - New command has been added to UHC "/kt" aka "/killtop" (Displays who has the most kills in your current game)

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