5th September 2019

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    5th September 2019
    - Plugin has been setup on KitPvP to prevent some items (such as Money Pouches) from being put inside Anvils
    - Our Rename scrolls plugin has been remade from scratch and has now been re-implemented on KitPvP
    - Fixed a bug on KitPvP where players could type "/bottle all" with 0 exp and create a EXP bottle worth 0 EXP
    - Fixed a bug with Essentials on KitPvP which was resulting in some staff members appearing invisible to others
    - Fixed a bug where staff which had been demoted who previously had tptoggle enabled would not have it disabled after losing staff
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where "/ores <player>" (staff command) would sometimes return "Player not found"
    - Fixed a backend error on SurvivalGames which would fire when players destroyed boats
    - Fixed a bug on SurvivalGames where the arena would not reboot once it had finished on some occasions
    - Fixed a minor bug with our ftop plugin which could cause it to slightly go out of sync on Factions
    - Players health can now be seen under their username on KitPvP once again (we fixed the bugs related to this)

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