What changes can be made to improve Survival [Perk Giveaway]

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by AZXG, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Survival 7.0 introduced many changes. The game was updated to 1.12, which introduced new blocks and new features. Purchasable spawners and the ability to fly in the resources world are removed, which makes season 7 more like vanilla survival compared to the earlier seasons. At the same time, Survival 7.0 is not perfect and there have been discussions on different changes it needs throughout the season. Now it has been more than 5 months since the season started, and it is a good time to discuss this again. What changes can be made to make Survival better?

    I’m also hosting a
    giveaway here. I will give away a 20 sethomes perk to someone who replies to this post with changes and reasons. The winner will be chosen randomly. If there are more than 20 participants with quality posts, I will give away a disguise perk in addition to the 20 sethomes perk. Two winners will be chosen randomly. Giveaway will end on April 22nd at 12 am MST.

    To join this giveaway, you need to make sure your reply includes your
    IGN and discord, and has at least one of the following:

    1. Three or more changes you believe will make Survival better, and detailed reasons on why you think the changes should be made.
    2. At least one change you believe will make Survival better, and three detailed reasons on why you think the changes should be made, for each change suggested.
    3. At least three things you want to see fixed or improved, with some suggestions of possible solutions.
    These requirements are added to make sure this post starts helpful discussions rather than becoming a giveaway post. Have a good day or night :).
  2. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Here are my thoughts:

    The price of fishes should be reduced by a half, or a third at the very least. Currently, making money by fishing is too easy and too fast compared to other ways. It is very unbalanced.

    The prices of fishes are the same as last season, but last season had spawners. MCCStoreOwner did computations and he said
    fishing makes roughly the same amount of money as mining or farming. However, farming most crops needs a Harvest Hoe, which is only obtainable from treasure keys, and players will need to set up a relatively large farm before making money in this way. Mining is even more difficult this season due to the removal of /fly in the resources world, and it requires good tools and skills. More importantly, it is impossible to keep farming or mining without paying attention, but that is possible with fishing. With a good mending fishing rod, people can simply keep fishing while looking at the phone or doing other things as long as they right-click whenever they hear the sound.

    The economy needs changes. In season 7, /shop doesn't sell anything, but it buys items like fish and crops which can be produced in large quantities. Most people don’t need an excessive amount of crops or fish. Money can’t be used to buy anything from /shop, and comes in large quantities from items people don’t need. Because of that, there is no guarantee that money will have at least some value at any time. The only way to spend money other than buying items from other people is to buy heads at /headshop, but these heads aren’t pricey and there’s a limit per plot. The game needs to introduce more ways for people to spend their money and provide motivations to make money. (I”m talking about money here since it’s basically impossible to get rid of money on Survival now. Money has been introduced for seasons and people are used to it.)

    Rank abilities and perks need changes. The game was updated to 1.12, but most of the perks and rank abilities remained the same. Because of the new updates, some perks and rank abilities aren’t as useful as they used to be and need adjustments. For example, because of the new elytra as well as the removal of /fly in the resources world, /fly is only useful on the plots now. They are still useful but not nearly as helpful as before. Similarly, with the new Shulker Boxes, double chest perks aren’t as helpful as before. They are still convenient, but not as helpful. Similar situation with mending and the /fix command, just to name a few. I”m not sure how they should be changed and what some good replacements are, but it is nice if changes can be made to make the perks and rank abilities fit better with 1.12 update.

    (This reply is an example, and I am not joining my own giveaway)
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    howdy hey hey AZ!!!!

    i think something that could be changed is quests, similar to what skyking said, but not. i made a post about it briefly and blah blah. honestly, i think quests give too much money. I enjoyed survival in seasons 1 & 2 and lost interest in season 3-4. if it weren’t for a prison friend i doubt i would have played season5 and season6 i barely touched, but season7 hyped me. to get back on track, i feel that quests are a part of the reason that armor and such are priced like it’s prison. I think having a similar economy to kit where some armor are like $20, not because armor is easier to get, but because the economy gets “inflated” money isn’t a main focus and people aren’t getting in the millions on the first day of reset. I think quest rewards should maybe range from $10-$1k like daily’s are $10 weekly’s are $100 and monthly’s are $1k. i know a lot of survival players would dislike this, and enjoy being used to the easy/quick money aspect, but I just feel that in the past few seasons people been grinding for that money. i’m sure a huge con to this is tha players would be less encouraged to do quests or even play survival, but I think it’s kinda whack that quest rewards are little much.

    i’m not an economy hater, and I use the economy feature myself on survival, and spin keys and got some money pouches i’m waiting to open, but I feel that survival being survival maybe should be a lower-ranged economy. I don’t think this could last long since obviously players can spin keys and do trades and vote and sell kits etc. and lowkey i think the changes made this season were a great stepping stone with removing the ability to purchase spawners and sell mobdrops, and rely on fishing and farming. not to be repetitive, but maybe to kinda decrease economy n such and put less emphasis on it, to nerf sell prices more. as you already mentioned n such, mccstoreowner was a gamechanger when it came to fishing, and i find the prices a little fair as they are now, but also I can get around 100k just from farming for a few minutes on my plot, or even doing a quest where it’s like “destroy 2000 wood” and then selling the wood then getting the quest reward.

    to kinda go off what you said about the money needs to be spent. maybe make plots a purchase, like a one-time purchase kinda deal. players would still only be limited to 1 plot and players with 3 plots perk will be able to get 3 plots, but for a higher price for each plot. at the beginning of the season most players could probably get a quest or two done to earn the money and then “purchase a plot” i know this wouldn’t do much, and most likely not be liked by the players, and the rookies would most likely be the ones who take the hit from this. but if you kinda think about it in normal single player or completely vanilla minecraft, the first night or so you p much only grind so you can make a pimped out base. and for donators, a lot of them have access to “/ec” and a handful of them have access to “/chest”. prices for plots could be 2k (if economy is how it is now) since this is the same amount as completing 1 daily quest. For players with 3 plots perk, make each plot after the first increase by 300% (3x), so the second plot would be 6k and the third plot would be 18k. which I think isn't even that much since players are in the 100mills this season.

    I know pistons don't push crops to avoid redstone farms; however, they are still possible. Dispensers + water can break sugar cane and I think similarly to the piston thing, it should be that they can't push sugar cane if it's possible to do. I'm not too concerned about pistons + water. pushing crops like carrots since harvest hoes make more money and are more convenient. there's a profit shop that uses dispensers + water to break sugar cane and I think next season, this should be feature should be removed due to the fact that it's kinda silly, and although any player can do it, the profit shop owner benefits big time along with quests and being able to sell their own sugar cane. This is sorta a minor thing, but felt that it could at least be brought up :)

    i'm not joining giveaway since i already have the 20 sethomes perk, but wanted to share
    have a great day!
    iiSean, Arctiid, AZXG and 1 other person like this.
  4. SketchyBear91

    Sep 30, 2019
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    Personally I like the idea of removing spawners and removing flying. But besides that I feel that Survival could be better. I have some ideas how we can add to it and here are some of them. 1. Farms should be more profitable: You can make so much money from fishing that farming has basically become pointless. 2: Make an actual shop command for the game so it's more convenient to the player instead of doing /shop and bringing you to a sell shop where you can't purchase anything. 3. PVP is really boring in this version and I am not the only one that agrees with that. Honestly I think the PVP should go back to 1.8 and it shouldn't have a delay on our weapons. I really enjoy the survival plots on this server and it is the only reason I paid money for the kits as well. The community isn't as toxic either which is also very nice, and I can't wait to see what you guys choose to do next season. -SketchyBear91 (disc: Sketchybear91#0418)
    iiSean and AZXG like this.
  5. HarryIsADuck

    Sep 12, 2019
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    • Grinding Area - We definitely need a place where people can grind, like on prison with /mine there needs to be a place like that if we are going continue with the removal of spawners there needs to be a balance to help people who don't also or cant always find really good OP /sethomes.
    • Events - More server events like envoys in pvp trying to add new events that aren't just pvp orientated would be really fun as everything event wise so far has been in pvp or /boss.
    • PVP -100% PVP NEEDS TO BE CHANGED BACK TO 1.8 as the current state of pvp in survival is dead and its because of 1.12 pvp.
    • //Wand - I cant remember what season it was but we had //wand as a perk which got removed pretty sure due to bugs but something like that added back in would be great as it would help with improving peoples plots a lot.
    • Shops - We need to nerf shops as at the moment they are wayyyy to OP. It doesn't seem fair that one person can employ 10 people profit from that and then had 220 Million. A lot of people would counter argue that and say "well you could do that too" but the simple answer is not even casual Survival player is going to want to spend 10 hours+ a day trying to run a shop and trust me i've ran one myself they are so easy to make money from its unbelievable
    • I think everyone would agree with me here when i say there isnt much to do on survival and even with a new reset there will always be times where it gets boring added new things to grind towards to would be amazing.
    • Spawn Rates on certain animals Like ghast and slimes needs to be improved massively as it can sometimes take days for players to find even just one as they are hunted all the time for profit

    I really think this type of crowd feedback is a good thing moving forward in Survival resets as it opens up the possibility to new features voted by the actual players of survival. Would love to hear everyone's feedback on these improvements to Survival and even discuss improvements to my ideas.
    Cheers Harry
    Arctiid, iiSean, deeenoo and 2 others like this.
  6. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello AZXG!

    Thank you for making this thread. It is a really clever idea asking what players think of the server and how to improve it in order to join a giveaway! Now this has been said multiple times by pretty much everyone on the server which is Survival Plots needs to be as similar to Vanilla Survival but with multiplayer functions and twists. Now the server has been pretty good handling this especially in the newer seasons but there are a few changes that I believe would be nice to add to survival.

    1) Warp FB Seed

    So, basically most people know that at the start of Season 6 they added this whole new addition which was that instead of 1 seed the whole season it changed every 2 weeks which has kept the same until this day. I wasn't a fan then and still aren't. I get where they are coming from being Legend+ people with maximum set-homes can't rely on that the whole season and whatever but 2 weeks is way to often. Sometimes people don't even play for twice as long as that! Especially if people have school or work and can only play weekends. Thats only 4 days to get to know that seed.

    When I was playing Season 5, I knew my way around. I knew if you go to the front there was a forest followed by a sunflower valley and behind me was Taiga biome followed by a swamp and then mountains. I got to know the seed like it was my actual Minecraft world. Of course like I said I know why they changed it and I agree with it but 2 weeks. I would be happy if it was changed to a month because then I would get to know it a lot know some good routes some good mines and so would the community.

    2: Economy

    Honestly I don't know how to comment on the Economy. I am not like a huge hater of it, I don't know how to fix it but something has certainly gone down hill since the removal of spawners this season. People make money, they make more money, and then they give money to other people in return for stuff they want. Every dollar you earn is gonna end up with someone somewhere else. Its not going back into the bank or anything like how you would buy spawners or sell wands or even blocks back in earlier seasons. In Season 5 they removed blocks from shops and replaced it with just farm materials and spawners. In Season 6 they removed farm materials and had just spawners and now, Season 7 they removed everything to buy from the shop.

    They then added the Introduction of heads being 25k each to decorate your plots which to be honest, was a great idea. However it still just didn't work. Maybe cause they didn't realise this at the start of the season and had to quickly rush a way to semi fix it, maybe they could add more stuff to buy but I honestly don't know what.

    3: Scheduled Events.

    For a while now we have had the same scheduled events. Boss in warp boss where you get the most percentage of damage to the boss, Envoys were you try and collect as many envoys as possible but what if we could include some others. I think this might not be popular I haven't thought much about it but what if we could do like a vote for an event. A bit like the KitPVP map selection but every 8 hours it changes too:

    "What event do you want next"


    The reason I say 8 hours is because I still thing envoys is a pretty essential part of the server but I think boss battles could be changed up a bit so its not the same thing that people get bored off. Maybe this vote could end 10mins before event and then the event warp opens 10mins before so there isn't last minute changes.

    4) Revamp Quests

    I think quests deserve a revamp. Quests have been one of my favourite aspects of Survival for a while now and I think they could update it. Maybe they could add more quests "Find 3 veins of diamonds in a day" "Breed 10 chickens in a day" "Travel 1000 blocks by horse in a week" "Make $20,000 of /ah in a month" (though they could just sell and repay their friends I guess)

    ALSO I think they should add Achievements in the quests which is Season Wide like.
    "Claim a Plot"
    "Go to the over world"
    "Go to the end"
    "Go to an end city"
    "Go to an Nether fortress"
    "Start A Farm"
    "Make A Shop Sign"
    "Get 10 Kills"
    "Kill The Enderdragon"

    And so on. I don't think they should add prizes by doing these as some of these are very easy. Maybe they could have easy category, medium category and hard category and some of them give you better prizes but I think no prizes will be good because its like a collecting thing like Vanilla Survival.


    /Chest: So you know /chest right? It has this whole new format but I think there should be a back button once your in chest 1 so you can go to your main page and select chest 2 rather then exiting and retyping the command.

    Add /BlockPlaceTop and /BlockBreakTop: I know its not Prison where you need to mine blocks but it might be cool I don't know.

    Biggest Losers Of /Cf: They added it to Skyblock, why not Survival :D

    Reveal Seed at end of Seed Cycle: It might be cool to rome around the seed on single player (once it changes though so you don't cheat to find biomes)

    Make the Following items sellable to /shop:

    Beetroot Seeds

    /ah Profit earned:

    Today you have sold ($) worth of stuff
    This Week you have sold ($) worth of stuff
    This month you have sold ($) worth of stuff
    Overall ($) earned from the Auction House

    Other then that thats it. I encourage others to share there opinions :D

    Have a Nice Day
    All The Best
    MCC Player
    #6 iiSean, Apr 9, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  7. trinketss

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Heyy, this was actually pretty fun to do sory if theres any spelling mistakes i'm probably illiterate

    Here are a couple of my ideas:

    1. This is going to sound a little controversial but i'd like to see /fly privileges brought back for emerald+ ranks in fb, the nether and the end. When I first joined the survival server it was survival 3.0, everyone had massive cactus farms and shops and the main reason I bought the rank I have was so I could fly in fb. Needless to say I was very disappointed to find out when this version of survival came into place that you could no longer do that as it was the main reason I spent my money on survival. I am well aware that a lot of people wanted this removed so that survival could be closer to the actual singleplayer survival. However I think the beauty in the older versions (not talking about 1.0 or 2.0 i wasn't playing in that time) was the fact that it took the regular singleplayer game and added, perks, money, plotworlds and countless other things to the game and tbh if i wanted to play a more "realistic" survival I would just play singleplayer not spend money on a server when i can get the exact same experience in a regular world.

    2. I'd really like to see the economy improved... I think it was around 5.0 or 6.0 when survivals economy really took a turn for the worst (still bad now) and because of this you either were really rich or really poor. This was because with the right perks and ranks you could become a multi millionaire overnight, it was in 5.0 (i hope) when farming crops like wheat, carrots and potatos really became a massive deal thanks to the introduction of the Harvest Hoe and how cactus was now practically worthless. with this happening people who previously had been part of a fairly just system, found themselves left behind as people who had the money for perks could get a harvest hoe build a massive farm and earn tonnes of money. However those players who couldn't were left with no way of gaining these items (you could build cactus farms easily as only an emerald rank or as even a rookie) became frustrated and quit the game. This problem only worsened as time went on and resets removed items such as spawners and people who had made all this money had no clue what to do with it.

    3. Rank perks improved. Rank perks overtime have been unintentionally getting worse as the game tries to become more "realistic" as i talked about before with /fly gone and our kits values depreciated (no gapples anymore) The reason to even have a rank is becoming non existant which is fustraiting for those of us who bought ranks a long time ago.

    4. Better quests. the current ones are random, hard to achieve unless you already have money and resources and just all togther strange like what, "fish up 100 pieces of junk". While they do encourage players to try new activties (such as fishing in that case) it can be really annoying to have to sit there for 2 hours just fishing (ill still do it though tbh haha) I think it would be better if their was like all season quests like "claim a plot" and "place a chest" and "first fish" and others along that line. these could be more based around almost the singleplayer games achievements and could maybe even unlock further quests as you complete the basic ones and as you progress further they would become more complex and give higher rewards. This could help new players to MCC or even the game MC become understanding of how to earn money and just play the game in general.

    5. Finally this idea is a little more out their (and might be even possible currently idk) but id love to able to purchase pets! This could work like you can buy 2 wolfs and get to name them and no matter what they won't time out and maybe even then breed these wolves and have cubs etc and you could do this with cats and maybe even creepers (creepers are actually so cute). and then maybe sell these to other people introducing a new way of people making money which would further help the economy as being a "breeder" would be a thing. I know this idea is very out there i just want a pet :)

    6) Please bring back spawners

    Thank you so much for this opportunity
    ign: trinketss
    discord: antisocalic#5802
  8. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello! This is such a great giveaway! I wish all the contestants the best of luck! (I'm not entering because I'm alright with what I have :D)

    A few changes/improvements I would like to see in the future include (but are not limited to):

    A way to get spawners back but not through a store.

    It's called survival for a reason and spawners are such a big thing in Minecraft. I believe if you have a silk-touch pickaxe and you see a spawner out in the wilderness, you should be able to get it. This implement would make players go out even more into the wilderness to explore and find spawners, make spawners a rare item (I say that loosely), and just bring back having spawners n such on plots. I know that these spawners would only be "hostile" mob based - Skeletons, Zombies, Cave/Regular Spider; however, I think that making the drops extremely cheap (idk prices so I can't give an estimate) but still beneficial would be nice. I understand that you don't want to over-flux the economy so on to my next point...

    Cut down fishing prices

    WHAT?? I know; I actually hate what I said too. Fishing makes it too easy to get bank- if you fish for 30 minutes - an hour, that's a guaranteed 10k-20k (ofc depending on what you catch). I love the added feature of fishing- I truly do; I want to keep fishing as a quick and easy way to get money, just preferably not that much money.


    I believe there should be some improvements/changes implemented to make this a bit better. Don't get me wrong, absolutely love the quests! They're super fun to do - especially the ones where it's "kill 165 sheep" and you're just wondering the world to find sheep, haha. However, there are some that are easily manipulated. For example the "place down 21 enchantment tables"; what you can do is just place an enchantment table, break it, and place it again. That should probably be fixed; however, it's cool if it doesn't get fixed because who would want to craft 21 enchantment tables?? Some of the quests are extremely challenging, for example "Collect 2110 Emeralds" or something along those lines - WHAT?? I only have 7 emeralds!!! For those who completed that quest, I'm honestly so shocked. The monthly quests need to be more challenging like that - it's meant to be time-consuming (hence a "month"). There's been quite a few quests where I've completed the monthly quests in a day or two. So, maybe a bit more challenging stuff :D

    Also, I would love for survival to get updated more and more; to bring in new versions of Minecraft, to have more perks, just anything! This has been a great thread- I love the ideas coming together and I hope that maybe in the future reset, some of these changes/implements get introduced :D Thank you, AZXG for creating such a wonderful giveaway!

    Thanks for reading!
    Arctiid, mxbel, Breeezies and 3 others like this.
  9. Incarnati0n_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Here are a few changes that I think should be added to survival to make players have a better experience:

    How many players have seen quests that sometimes just don't really seem like they should be there, can be manipulated or are just seem way to extreme e.g monthly quests at the beginning of the season. Quests definitely needs a revamp in the future seasons and to make the quests more relatable for survival. I also believe that some more quests should be added as when you get further into the season, completing the same quests over and over again are just annoying.

    The economy
    Currently, the way to get money is non stop fishing the that's it. This is definitely boring when it's all you do to get money. I think that a revamp of the economy is needed to bring back classic modes of survival such as mining and farming. When I was really into survival I bought a harvest hoe and thought I was going to make massive amounts of money, however the sell prices of crops were super low and you had to create a massive farm in order to continually farm. Also with mining, the only reason I did it was to complete quests such as create anvils or collect so many ores in your inventory. I think sell prices should be buffed to allow a few good ways to get money.

    Currently, kits/perks for almost all sub-servers haven't changed and isn't really good enough to support players other than the first couple of weeks if that. A revamp of these are needed to support the new and changing ways of survival. I do realise that its survival so they don't want to change much to make it as fair as possible but currently ranks do not really get any benefit except for rockets for the laggy elytra.

    Elytra Bug Fixes
    Currently there are many people complaining about the bugs that have been happening after changing survival to a 1.12 server. For me currently even playing on 1.12 I encounter lag/bugs such as riding on boats being super laggy and getting lagged back every few seconds and most importantly the elytra which can insta kill you for no reason causing you to lose god items. I really hope they fix this as it annoys everyone.

    Other few small changes that overs have said:

    • Reducing fishing profits. Either do this or buff mining/farming prices.
    • Keep /fly only in plot world and keep spawners out of the game.
    • PVP isn't really a large part of survival so I don't really see much that needs to happen to it
    • Biggest losers cf has already been implemented on other sub-servers so its time to come to survival
    • I think spawners should not be obtainable those with xray will beat everyone to them and even if they are banned no one else can get the ones they have collected.
    • One suggest here I want to make is make the safe zone around the resource worlds mostly flat before having it onto randomly generated seeds.
    Arctiid, mxbel, Breeezies and 2 others like this.
  10. VICTORITO777

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Hey! I have some things I'd like to suggest, some of the same, while others are hopefully newer concepts.

    1. Make the survival more rookie and new player-friendly.
    There are two things to this. One is that I feel the survival server doesn't give a lot of guidance for new players. Survival plots is not a very common thing seen on other servers, and I feel many new players get confused because they think its an SMP server. There should be a tutorial area for new members, or perhaps a book to explain better. I understand there are signs around that tell you what to do, but they are not as visible as they should be. Also, I feel there should be some kind of welcome via a splash or a book or maybe a beginning room would make the server much more welcoming. I feel that quite a few rookies are ignored by higher rank members, which you can not fix, but perhaps doing things such as this would make it more open arms to new players in general.

    2. Make quests better and more worth it.
    I know some people have already mentioned this but it's true. Most of the quests were made particularly when the server still had spawners, and even /fly to be honest. Some quests require insane amounts of mob drops that you only have a week to obtain. Without spawners, tasks like those are near impossible. Another thing is to make more difficult quests much more rewarding. Some quests I do believe may be well priced, but considering that gathering 336 golden carrots for a month is equivalent to that of fishing for 2 hours. I feel that not only did the previous reason make quests less commonly used, but this as well. Quests should have better rewards for completing them, especially the larger ones.

    3. On the topic of fishing, make it less OP.
    Fishing is very overpowered. I do not believe the selling price for fish should be completely nerfed down to nothing, but a small nerf would make the game more survival friendly as mentioned before. I understand that clownfish are rare and all, but $10,000 for a clownfish? I feel to drop the sell prices by 25%-50%, just to make them less OP.

    4. More sources of income (maybe).
    I say maybe because I am not sure if this would improve or worsen the game. I feel ever since survival introduced currency, new members struggled to make money till they could get their hands on spawners. Now without spawners, there are not many ways to make money like there used to be, in terms of efficiency at least. Farming, one of the more common ways of making money, is very slow and tedious unless you have insanely large cactus farms, which to be honest, are not very pretty most of the time. Considering they will most likely nerf fishing a bit since I am not the first to touch on it, fishing is probably not going to be as viable anymore. This leaves quests, PvP, and farming the best options for money making legitimately (no IRL deals, coinflip, giveaways, etc.). I am not sure what the new ways of money-making should be, but perhaps something that you can start doing as soon as you join the server, and not till you can afford to do so.

    5. Spawners.
    Bring spawners back but make them more difficult to obtain. I have just a few suggestions on how you may obtain them:
    - Silk touching ones you find in the wild
    - Rewards for keys
    - Maybe a prize for doing quests

    That's what I can think of, though I will say that making them return would be a completely game-changing experience, just a nice luxury.

    6. Make the server more interactive.
    Add more ways for the server to interact with its players, and to get the players to interact with each other. There are not many events going on, on the server. There boss events, envoys, and events players make up, but that's about it. Make more small events with small rewards, perhaps competitions and things. Not to make it the central point of the game, but just side things to do when you are bored.

    7. Very bad yet maybe a good idea??
    So this is very much up for debate, and I doubt it will be implemented or requested. Perhaps remove currency. When the server first began, there was no currency, and the only means to trade was via diamonds. I feel this would give a much better survival experience, and less sugar-coated like it is now. The server began to feel less like survival than it already did when the currency was added. Currency made people more distant from one another, and less of a community. People spend most of their time focusing on getting money, and it ruins the fun of it being survival. This is just a suggestion and I am not even sure if this is a good idea.

    I hope some of these get implemented, and I know the last one is probably a far stretch.

    Username: VICTORITO777
    Discord: VictorsWIA#2795
    Arctiid and AZXG like this.
  11. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey AZ! (I personally didn't read all of the previous replies so my apologies if my ideas are similar to others)

    1. Add tokens for farming: The first change I believe should be made is the addition of Survival Tokens. We have seen them as a huge success in other subservers, and adding them to survival would be a great way for players to actually farm or mine. I believe if they are added, they should be received from farming, (like skyblock), mining blocks (similar to how upgrade pickaxes work in prison), or fishing. Tokens work great to stop people from overusing spawners, and depending on the method they can be received, motivate people to play the game the main way it's meant to be played, which would be farming.

    2. Change Value of Quests depending on the amount of Recorses they require: Some of the quests on Survival do seem a little bit difficult and considering for a monthly quest, you only get 40k which sometimes works out to be less than you would get from selling the items for the quest. Most of the time, monthly quests are something like "Craft 60 diamond helmets", and considering that would take what, 300 diamonds, you could sell the diamonds for more than the 40k you'll get upon completing the quest. The value of quests deserves to be changed depending on the amount of effort required for them, rather than the time you have to complete it.

    3. Choose between fishing or farming as the main idea. Fishing is currently very OP, but with farming as the main idea, something should be changed. Fishing should either be totally debuffed, or farming should be. The idea of this change is players can use a harvest hoe to farm as quick as possible, and fish to earn the same amount, which totally ruins the point of hard work. If farming is debuffed, a lot of players may decide to leave survival, which is why fishing should be changed, the prices should be halved. The reason this is nesessary is a player with a harvest hoe and the three plot perk is able to max out the amount of farms they harvest, and while waiting for them to grow, they can easily fish a stack of cod, which sells for 19.2k. This is way too OP because of how effortless it is with a maxed rod. By halfing the price fish sell for, a stack of cod will be worth 9.6k which is more balanced and fair.

    4. Alter Harvest hoes: This is a very controversial idea, but harvest hoes make the game way easier to play, which is not always a good thing. Players can put in the effort to build a plot sized multi-layer farm, which fair enough is a lot of effort, but with a harvest hoe (which need I remind you can not break) gives them an infinite supply of money. Plots are 51x51, which is 2601 blocks, and if a player has just one layer of wheat, no water, no gaps, that would work out to $9103 of wheat, from just one layer. If a player did their whole plot top to bottom of wheat layers, that would be well over 1mil. With harvest hoes never breaking, players would just have an infinite money source, and as a result, the economy would collapse. What could happen, is with the (hopefully) release of Survival Tokens, after a certain amount of crops are harvested with the Harvest Hoe, a player needs to spend tokens (or diamonds if no tokens are added) that way its not just infinite money with nothing to need to spend it on to continue farming. This could be seen as the stupidist thing anyone has suggested, but I think it would be fair for everyone.

    5. /fly Become Useful Again: /fly was almost the whole reason why I decided to buy Legend Rank, but now that it's been removed on so many subservers, I am wishing I just went with a lower rank. I agree with others that /fly was far too OP in /warp fb, as mining had no risk to it, but if we can only use it in the plot world, then what's the point? If I'm honest, I dont know what I'm suggesting, but I do believe that /fly in only plotworlds doesn't seem enough. Perhalps a payment of in game money for a certain period of /fly in fb could work?

    (Added April 15:) 6. /teleport fb: At so many points have we struggled to find the right place to go mining sicne /fly was removed from /warp fb. Walking for days just to get far enough to find the unexplored of the overworld, which is difficult for low ranks with bad armour when they have to survive coutless mob attacks. /teleport fb should be a command which, similar to factions, teleports the player to a random point in fb. This would be extremely useful to assist exploring fb, as it means players can find a good spot to get themselves started, without running around for countless amounts of time. (Hope this is good)

    Hopefully we can see some similar changes for next season, I can't wait!
    #11 Nikki_, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
    Elama123, Arctiid and AZXG like this.
  12. Mortifire

    Nov 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    To keep rookies interested in playing longer mobs should be a little less aggressive. Night time in basic armor is too hard for a lot of starters.

    A couple of teleports to 2 far points or 2 or all map corners would help offset seeds where the first 3000 blocks in all directions are all the same.
  13. Jynxjinx123

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Hi! I thought of a few ideas.
    1. I think there should be more stuff in kits. For example, if kits were a little bit more like the kits in skyblock, people could be more willing to build thing in survival on their plots. There should also be better enchantments of the weapons, so that the equiptment in kits can be used in the pvp arena.
    2. There are many glitches. For example, a chest with a chest shop connected to it can't transfer items into hoppers under it. This made it harder for me to make my profit shop.
    3. For some reason I can't /msg with both colored and bolded text. It only works on plot and public chats. For /msg its either color or bold.
    4. There should be mob spawners available to buy in /shop. They would help the player make money and food. If they were removed because they gave player too much money, just make the mob drops sell for less.
    5. There are some cool commands you can do in other servers such as /hat. If those were added to the survival server, gameplay could be more fun.
    Arctiid and AZXG like this.
  14. kokua

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Ign- kokua5397 discord- kokua#4756
    3 Changes/Additions to Make Survival Better!
    1. Land Eraser. A type of "op" item that you can use to select areas on your plot and take out chunks of land. For example, it could be a stick with an enchantment glow called "selector stick" and then you could select point a and point b with it, or just stand in a space and do /PointA and /PointB. This could work either as a perk, or as an OP item worth 1mil+. There could even be a size limit to the number of blocks you could erase.
    This would a great addition because many players find it tedious and wasteful to mine out our plots. This could be a way to have a solution to that that is fair.
    2. /BlockTop This is an idea for a fun addition to survivial. You know the "blocks broken" and "blocks placed" counters when you do /stats (name)? Well there should be a top for those. That would be really fun and just a cool unique addition to survival.
    /QuestTop. This one is wanted by many! I knwo you can see the top few people on the quest leaderboards, but this would be a great addition because it is annoying when you are #12 or #13 on the leaderboard but you cant see who and how many more points you need to beat.
    AZXG likes this.
  15. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Bring keep inventory to survival regardless of what you all think, I have seen other survival servers have this option for all of their players and also encourage new players to keep playing for longer because if they die they loss all of their stuff and they end up discouraged from playing.

    I think that rookies can do /kit and get kit starter but that only gets them armor, some stuff and tools but they do not get the rest of their thing such as for example mined ore like gold, diamond or coral and as a result they get frustrated and end up quitting, also if they end up getting death trapped as well.

    Also I know that donors can do /back to get their stuff back, but what if they don't manage to get their stuff back in time huh?
    #15 CabanNieves, Apr 18, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  16. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thank you all for sharing these great ideas! The giveaway has now ended and a winner has been chosen randomly :D Although the giveaway has ended, you can still share your ideas or suggestions here <3.

    WInner: Jynxjinx123

    Elama123 and iiSean like this.
  17. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    My username is not even in the list, looks like you didn't saw my suggestion.
  18. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi CabanNieves,

    I saw your reply, but it didn't meet the requirements I listed. You only suggested 1 change with only 1 reason "encourage new players to keep playing for longer because if they die they loss all of their stuff and they end up discouraged from playing." (or 2 reasons if the cases of rookies and donators are considered separately).

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