2nd November 2019

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    2nd November 2019
    - Fixed a backend error which was been spammed by our PocketPal plugin on Survival
    - We have now completely redone our backup system for the entire network
    - Players can now use "/f inspect" whilst in combat on Factions
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where vertical flowing water could permanently destroy chunk loaders
    - Fixed a bug on Creative where players could spawn End Crystals via mob spawners
    - We have now put the normal lobby back in place (Halloween lobby has been disabled)
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where Elytra Rocket boosting was not working
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where boats would not work properly in the resource worlds
    - Fixed a backend error fired by our NPC plugin on Survival
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where if players fell into the void in The End they would teleport onto a piece of glass
    - Players can no longer use the Elytra firework boost in the PvP arena on Survival
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where players could edit the effects given off by the beacons at '/warp end'
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where if you denied a player from your plot, they would get teleported to a random location
    - Fixed a backend error fired by our Boss plugin on Survival when the boss was killed
    - Players will no longer get disconnected on Survival for disconnect.spam
    - Fixed bug on Survival where the Chests underneath the donator board at spawn would give you the kit without clicking in the GUI
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where the Elytra would instantly kill players upon landing safely
    - Fixed a bug on Survival where players could not break Glass Panes
    - Players are now able to delete their plot on Survival by using '/p delete' command
    B_Man05, iiSean, Invader and 2 others like this.

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