22nd August 2020

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    22nd August 2020
    - Fixed a backend error being fired by our NPC plugin (NPCs located at subserver spawns)
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where heads were immune to explosions
    - Fixed a bug in regards to weapon damage modifiers not being reset in certain situations upon dying
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where supercharged creepers had the same blast radius as regular creepers
    - Fixed a small crash exploit on Factions (one of our patches did not transfer properly to our new cannon jar)
    - Fixed a bug in our custom Essentials plugin where teleports would simply break in some situations
    - Sandbots will now print sand at an increased speed on Factions (they could not keep up with the cannons before)
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where customenchant books were only being given at level 1
    - Fixed an issue where frozen players were able to drop items
    - Fixed an issue where frozen players using some clients were still able to move around
    - Official screensharing discord URL has now been updated to 'https://mccentral.org/ssdiscord'

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