2 Small features that can be added? (minigames)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ImaBucketBoy, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. ImaBucketBoy

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Hi, just thought I could write down 2 small extra features that might make MCCentral a little more better.

    1. Different waiting lobbies
    Whenever you join a minigame like CTF, Skywars, or SG, there's always that same old lobby. Maybe if there could be a couple more waiting lobbies that people can use. It would make it more exciting.

    2. A /rejoin feature

    Sometimes playing in minigames, you'll get disconnected. You probably could have won that game, but you can't rejoin, so that round is over. If there was a simple /rejoin command, where when a user gets disconnected, they can rejoin the minigame. (only doable if 5 minutes haven't passed)

    And that's pretty much it, hope this gets added, have a good day :).
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  2. xTylor

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there WillPlayzGamesHonestly,

    Those are some awesome ideas to addon to the minigames but there are some upsides and downsides towards each feature being added.

    If a /rejoin feature is added, it will many things. Firstly, a player can just disconnect if playing skywars /survival games/murder mayhem before dying and if they reconnect it's basically like a second life for them. I get that many other servers have /rejoin features, but they have more gamemodes that involve respawning which makes sense adding a /rejoin effect.

    However, that would be such a good idea to add as many people accidentally disconnect due to lag on their side, or if they accidentally exit Minecraft.

    Now on lobbies, I agree with you! MCC has been using that same lobby for maybe 3+ years now I'd say? I think they should just add a new lobby then have different lobbies as that would just be a waste as it's just a lobby (Basically a place to wait till the game starts), and upon a new lobby map, a PVP feature would be great to add as it gives players something to do while waiting.
    ImaBucketBoy likes this.
  3. Twizsoul

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not bad ideas but I believe the ./rejoin command would get abused heavily by people simply disconnecting their internet and connecting it back until the time limit you proposed (5 minutes) is up. It sounds like a good idea but its basically cheating if it's done forcefully with ill intent.

    Extra waiting lobbies would be awesome but I don't they are necessary right now as other updates should come first, also could cause more glitched lobbies to appear and would take time and staff to care about adding updates in the first place. If you are new to this community or haven't been here in a while then I got some news for you, the staff and owners have gotten extremely lazy and refuse to update minigames, and if they do it is usually some horrible idea that is useless now.

    Besides that, I think these ideas are good but would need some expanding on before staff or other people come together as a collective and agree with it.

    ImaBucketBoy likes this.
  4. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I agree with all that’s been said. Sometimes I play cakewars and my teammates disconnect so I understand what you mean by the /rejoin. However, there is a problem with that since there’s an anticheat. The anticheat works so that the players get kicked if they are 100 percent hacking. So if they get kicked, then they can just come back and start hacking again. That’s my problem with this command.

    People say it will be abused. I mean, just like how certain commands can be used in other sub servers, I think you can add this to certain minigames. For eg, CTF, Champion Builder. The games that are more pvp enabled and only give one life shouldn’t be given this since they’ll be able to abuse it.

    That’s just my take on that. For the lobbies, I don’t think they’ll be changing it unless it adds some kind of benefit. I could be wrong since there’s a minigames revamp(a rumoured one at least). So I think there will be only one lobby but it will change over this revamp if it happens. Well maybe. However, I don’t think they see a need for more lobbies so in that case, they wouldn’t be adding more.
  5. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Unfortunately I disagree with both your ideas. Although I would like to see minigame lobbies revamped soon, I don't think cycling different lobbies is really necessary. I can only see it being a waste of money building them, and then a struggle to implement smoothly. Others have already thoroughly explained why a /rejoin command isn't suitable for MCC's gamemodes, particularly because of how it can be abused on games which take longer like survival games. On the shorter minigames like skywars, it has almost no use. The only reason it is a feature on UHC (minus the command) is because of just how long it takes, with disconnections being a much bigger waste of time.
    abbs and ImaBucketBoy like this.
  6. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    In response to xTaylor about the /rejoin feature, if MCCentral sets it up correctly, it wont really matter. If it was setup in a way that people could use /rejoin if they disconnect themselves, then people would be able to abuse it. but if MCCentral set it up in a way that people wouldnt be able to use /rejoin if they disconnect themselves, then there would be no issue. If i disconnect myself, i shouldnt be able to use /rejoin. But if i get disconnected from WiFi or something like that, then i would be able to use /rejoin.

    Also, this part is mostly for skywars, but if someone is falling off their island and they disconnect and rejoin, I think they should respawn right where they were disconnected. That way, if people were falling of their islands and they disconnect in hopes to get back on their island, when they rejoin, they would spawn in right back in the void.

    So all in all i think this would be a great feature to add to minigames.
    Now i also agree with you in terms of the lobbies. I think they should add new lobbies to the minigames. However, sometimes in the skywars lobby i like seeing the map below me so i can think of a strategy for that map. So for skywars, if the lobbies all had a glass bottom so we could see the map, I would be happy to have new lobbies. But in other minigames, i would really like some new lobbies. For CTF, i really like the parkour that you can do, but maybe you could add more than one parkour course. I also agree that a PVP feature in the lobbies would be AMAZING.

    So i think that both of these ideas would be great features to add to MCCentral!​

    JoaoOssucci and ImaBucketBoy like this.
  7. ImaBucketBoy

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Thanks for the really nice reply! You explained it better than me, so this sounds better, lol.
  8. ImaBucketBoy

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Hi, I guess the minigame lobby cycling is not that important, though I would like to see a revamp for that. For the /rejoin command, I understand it would be confusing, but if they set it up correctly(like 27JAS said), the player would spawn at the exact same location, and the same stats(health, items, yaw, pitch). They should also not be able to use it if they get kicked from the anti-cheat, or if they log out.
    Thanks for your opinion!

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