18th February 2021

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    18th February 2021
    - New mechanic has been put in place on Factions to combat lag machines
    - Fixed a few backend errors regarding our UHC update
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where the '/teams' command was broken
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where spectators were unable to use the '/stats' command
    - Added some additional ladders to the new UHC lobby (so that it is easier to get to the start of parkour if you fall)
    - Fixed rubber-banding which was happening during the parkour in the UHC lobby
    - 'Overall Kills' etc, in the scoreboard in the UHC lobby has now been changed to 'Lifetime'
    - Players are now able to use '/spawn' inside the UHC lobby (easier to get to start of the parkour when you fall)
    - Monthly and Yearly leaderboard holograms in the UHC lobby will now only display the top 10 (rather than top 30)

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