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16th September 2020 - Factions 27.0 Changelog

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Factions Season 27.0
    This upcoming season of Factions will be our 27th Season. This upcoming Factions Reset is scheduled to launch on: Friday 18th September 3pm MST. Click Here for a live countdown. Following our normal routine, this Factions reset will not be focussed on any major content changes. The main focus of this season is further performance fixes, alongside some tweaks to the economy to change things up a bit.

    Upcoming Changes / Fixes
    - Players muted for Severity 1 and Severity 2 chat offences are now able to talk in Faction Chat
    - Sell price of Sugarcane has been reduced to $18.00
    - Sell price of Nether Wart has been buffed to $14.00
    - Printer speed has been buffed (Due to recent performance fixes, we can confidently allow printer to be faster)
    - We no longer use WorldGuard plugin (Swapped over to a custom alternative with much better performance)
    - Updated all of our backend plugins to their latest versions (Lots of small tweaks since our recent Prison reset)
    - Fixed a bug where some teleports were not being logged properly into our teleport logger
    - Staff in staff mode will now receive night vision effect
    - Staff in staff mode will no longer be able to throw projectiles
    - We now dedicate more server threads to netty (should bring forward some nice network performance improvements)
    - Title of the Auction House has been changed (it is now centered and underlined like all of our other GUI titles)
    - Players are now able to type "/outpost" to open up a GUI which will show the capture status of the outpost
    - Players are now able to use factions chat commands whilst they are combat tagged
    - Staff are now able to use '/reports' whilst inside the Obscure Zone
    - /help across the network has had the discord URL for factions discord updated to mccentral.org/facdiscord
    - Players are no longer able to enderpearl higher than Y=110 in the boss world
    - Fixed an issue where it was possible to bow boost into the Nether Spawn, End Spawn, etc
    - Endermites will no longer spawn from Enderpearls
    - 1.10x sell multiplier from the outpost reward will now apply when selling obscure shards
    - Sell price of obscure shards has been buffed from $2500 to $3500 each
    - Players are no longer able to invited more than 30 alt accounts into their faction (f alts)
    - Players can now only enable stealth mode if they belong to a faction (Wilderness can't enable it)
    - Fixed a bug where the loot protection timer would not work for the skulls which players drop on death
    - /mobtop has now been added (allowing you to see who has killed the most mobs - Useful for obscure zone)
    - View distance inside some of the worlds has now been buffed

    Economy Changes
    As stated in the above changes, next season will be a Nether Wart economy for grace. For many seasons now, Sugar Cane has been the economy, about time to change things up for once! Sell price of Sugar Cane has been debuffed next season, and the sell price of Nether Wart has been buffed (Nether Wart is now just as good as Sugar Cane was in previous seasons).

    Factions 27.0 Rule Changes
    - Faction farms cannot be larger then 20x20 chunks.
    - Factions cannot bypass the faction alt limit with secondary factions or wilderness alts.

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