16th September 2019

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    16th September 2019
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where Hastey Boys scenario was active every game
    - We have now disabled tab completion on commands to prevent exposing unwanted backend commands
    - Survival Boss event has now been transferred to a different dedicated server
    - Attempted to fix a bug in Minigames where hits would get cancelled (If you encounter more issues please create a bug report)
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where when spectators joined the game they would drop to the ground instead of spawn flying
    - FIRE_TICK, FIRE and LAVA damage are now disabled during grace period on UHC (this fix is in place after the next game)
    - Fixed a bug on UHC where players were not getting any Apples or Golden Apples from leaves whilst using shears (this fix is in place after the next game)
    #1 AlexMarkey, Sep 16, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2019

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