16th April 2021

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    16th April 2021
    - Fixed a major lag issue on Factions caused by our envoys plugin loading chunks
    - SrMods will now have access to the //thru command to assist with dealing with certain situations
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where players could genbucket over the villager in the raid outpost, then they could no longer claim rewards
    - Staff members whom are in staffmode will no longer be able to capture the KOTH on Factions
    - Staff members whom are in staffmode will no longer be able to capture the outpost on Factions
    - Fixed a bug with the Raid Outpost on Factions where it was possible for 'ROutpost' to take control of the base
    - Fixed a bug with the Obscure Zone exit portal on Factions where it would sometimes fail to teleport players
    - Fixed an exploit on Factions where players could suspend enderpearls and use them as a way to teleport out of combat
    - Fixed an exploit on Factions where it was possible for muted players to bypass their mutes via leaving the faction
    - Shooting yourself with an arrow will no longer take you out of fly on Factions
    - Upon killing a player on Factions who has a bounty of more than $100,000, it will now broadcast in chat
    - Players are now able to create multiple banknotes at once on Factions using the command "/withdraw [value] [amount]"
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where pocketpals would occasionally flicker upon a player dying
    - Rule change on Factions: "You are not allowed to team with other factions or players. The players involved will receive a Severity 2 Gameplay ban."
    B_Man05, Lxvely, xABC_ and 16 others like this.

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