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15th February 2021 - UHC Changelog

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Having last received a proper update over more than a year ago, I think everyone can agree that it is time for UHC to get the attention it deserves. For the past 2 weeks, we have been grinding hard to bring UHC up to the new modern day standard for what a UHC server should be. This upcoming update aims to address the main issues which have plagued the UHC community, alongside bringing forward as much new content as possible to keep the gamemode feeling fresh once again! This upcoming UHC update is scheduled to be launching early this week, so keep your eyes peeled!

    Major Content Changes
    - Players can now type "/coords <ign>" to view the coordinates of any one of their team members
    - Spectators are now only able to spectate inside the Deathmatch Arena (Finally a combat to the ghosting)
    - Monthly and Yearly statistics and leaderboards have now been added
    - Brand new '/stats' command improvement, displaying the new Monthly and Yearly statistics
    - Brand new UHC lobby (About time) involving a parkour to keep you occupied whilst waiting!
    - 7 Brand new scenarios (more information below)
    - Upon logging out, a zombie will now appear which can potentially be killed (to prevent players from abusing logouts)
    - UHC Deathmatch border has received slight tweaks
    - Final Heal scenario will now also fill up players hunger and saturation
    - When Double Health scenario is activated, Golden Apples and Golden Heads will now heal twice as many hearts (Regeneration 3)
    - Time Bomb chests will now contain a countdown hologram above them, giving a visual on how long till it explodes
    - Killing players whilst Diamondless is active, will now result in players dropping 2 diamonds instead of 1
    - No Backpack scenario has now been removed (due to majority of the community disliking it)

    Miscellaneous Changes
    - Fixed a bug where cobblestone and obsidian created via water+lava in deathmatch could not be broken
    - Fixed a bug where players were unable to place a block on top of a source block of water/lava in deathmatch
    - Fixed a bug where if players were inside the Nether when deathmatch started, they would teleport outside of world border
    - Fixed a few typos in some of the messages which were broadcasted in chat
    - NickHider mod is Badlion is now force disabled via our server
    - Fixed a bug where if the game ended via running out of time, the non-winning team would not receive statistics
    - Render distance for players inside the waiting lobby has been buffed (made possible by the now bigger lobby)

    New Leaderboards
    After running our UHC server for over 3 years, the leaderboards are very set in stone. New players whom come along and wish to participate in the competitive gamemode, find themselves in a very difficult place attempting to land a spot on the leaderboards (due to others being years ahead). Of course we will not be wiping these players statistics, instead we have added 2 brand new leaderboards which are much more achieveable for the new players: Monthly and Yearly. Both of these new leaderboards are visible in the waiting lobby, situated right next to the Lifetime Leaderboards!


    New Scenarios
    Of course, what is a UHC update without a handful of new scenarios! Like all of our UHC updates, scenarios are the main form of new content which we are able to bring to the table. Scenarios are what make each UHC game unique and special, and for that reason we love making them. This upcoming update, we have aimed to deliver the main scenarios which players from our community have requested (all of which are listed below). If you have any more scenarios which you would love to see on Minecraft Central's UHC, please let us know on the forums (with a detailed description on how the scenario should work).

    Every time you kill a player, or mine a Diamond Ore, your coordinates will be broadcasted in chat for everyone to see! Make sure you keep an eye on your back for the entire game.

    Quick Getaway
    Every time you kill a player, you will be rewarded with 'Speed 2' potion effect for 30 seconds, allowing for you to make a Quick Getaway!

    Head Start
    All players will spawn ingame with a preset layout of items in their inventory, giving them a Head Start. These items include: Stone Tools, 32 Wooden Planks, 16 Steak, 8 Apples and 4 Books!

    This scenario is only possible to be active in team games. When this scenario is activated, all players will spawn at completely different coordinates to their teammates. Do you attempt to meet up with them, or risk playing solo?

    Mystery Scenario
    When activated, this scenario will act as any random scenario which is available in our UHC. The catch: You don't know what that scenario is! You could spend the entire game trying to figure out what scenario is active, or you could simply play and hope the odds land in your favour!

    Vein Miner
    Whilst this scenario is activated, upon mining any type of ore, your pickaxe will instantly destroy that entire vein of ores.

    Whilst this scenario is activated, no one will be able to know who is who! All players will have the exact same skin, and their names will be disguised. The only player whom you are permitted to know their identity, is your teammates (if you are playing a team game).

    Quality Of Life Changes
    This UHC update contains many quality of life changes which are aimed to address some of the biggest issues which have plagued our UHC community. For the longest time, players logging out has become an increasingly bigger issue, along with players abusing spectating to 'ghost' other players. With this upcoming update, logging is now combatted with the implementation of 'Timeout Zombies'. Whilst a player is logged out (and eligible to log back in) a Zombie will appear in their location which is very much vulnerable. If this zombie dies, so does the player (so log out with safety)! Ghosting is combatted with a simple much needed limitation on spectators. Spectators will no longer be able to leave the deathmatch arena. Some more awesome QOL changes include holograms situated above the Time Bomb chests, giving a visual on how long until they explode. Many more bug fixes are being implemented, fixing a lot of issues primarily with deathmatch.


    New Waiting Lobby
    Since the launch of our UHC server on Minecraft Central in 2017, we have had the exact same pre-game waiting lobby. It is fair to say that this lobby has served its purpose, and has long past its expiration date. This lobby has been very bare-bones, acting simply as a holding pen for players prior to the game starting. We understand that many of our dedicated community turn up very early for the UHC games which they are participating in (and it is our job to ensure they keep themselves occupied)! This brand new lobby aims to add a few more activites to perform and places to explore whilst waiting for the game! Enjoy running and jumping your way up the parkour whilst mentally preparing for the upcoming game of UHC which awaits you!


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