14th January 2025 - Prison 22.0 Changelog

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    The time has come once again for our Prison server to start a brand new chapter. This season is focussed on adding as much new content as possible to keep the game feeling modern and fresh! This changelog will detail all changes big and small for our upcoming reset which will be dropping this upcoming Friday 17th January 3pm MST.

    Upcoming Changes
    - Brand new Mining Expedition world has been added, providing a fresh new mining experience
    - Token Chests have been added (with the ability to hold an unlimited amount of tokens)
    - Escaped Convicts have been added (unique PvP based item which can be obtained from mining expeditions)
    - Fly mode is now available to Rookies, bringing them a more playable experience
    - Questions have been added to chat reaction games
    - New command has been added to view the top abyss miners (/abysstop)
    - Players can now also use the command "/gang join <gang>" to join a gang if they are currently on the roster
    - New introduction task has been added (complete a Mining Expedition)
    - Players that are detected as AFK will no longer take damage (to prevent accidental deaths)
    - Private Mines will now be unlocked by default
    - Fixed a bug with the Community Goal (where it would display the wrong Contribution Amount in the GUI)
    - Mining Gear will now glow upon reaching max level
    - Stacked Spawners will now work properly with "/pmine inspect" (it was not properly logging previously)
    - Chat Games reward has been buffed from $50,000 to $250,000 (bringing it more in line with the modern day economy)
    - Charity Time booster reward has been buffed from $10,000 to $50,000 (bringing it more in line with the modern day economy)
    - Combat tag timer has been added to scoreboard for players inside the Wilderness
    - Additional exchange points have been added around the Abyss mine
    - Soul Beacons will now display in the item lore how many souls it currently contains
    - Fixed a bug with the Citadel reward 'Double Essence' where it was not properly working with Sell Wands
    - Players are now able to withdraw and pay dungeon credits (using the command /credits)
    - Community Coinflip has now taken the same route as Skyblock and the win ratio has been adjusted to 45%
    - Fixed a backend error related to our Custom Spawners plugin (which would often result in the wrong stack amount displaying)

    Mining Expeditions:
    For years, Mining on Prison has remained largely unchanged. This upcoming season, we’re introducing a brand new experience for all players to enjoy – Mining Expeditions! These can be accessed in the newly added world, located at /warp expedition.

    During a Mining Expedition, players will take on three distinct objectives, each requiring them to mine a specific amount of certain blocks. The layout of the Mining Expedition mine is unique, challenging players to search for valuable ore veins (opposed to mining at random). Successfully completing Mining Expeditions rewards players with exclusive benefits, including permanent discounts on all spawners!

    Escaped Convicts:
    After completing a mining expedition, you may have the chance to uncover a rare and exciting reward: the Escaped Convict. Using this unique item summons a convict in the Wilderness, who will immediately begin fleeing for their life. The challenge? Track them down and claim victory! Whoever succeeds in taking down the convict will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts.

    Token Chests:
    Token Chests are an exciting new feature coming in the upcoming season! Say goodbye to the hassle of managing a token shop and overflowing chests. With these new chests, players can effortlessly set up an endless token shop without any concerns about storage limitations! Like all custom items on Prison, these unique chests can be purchased from the Essence Shop.


    Reaction Questions:
    Reaction chat games (which take place in chat roughly every 30 minutes) will be receiving an update this upcoming season introducing more games! Players can expect to see reaction based questions in chat, keeping you on your toes! Stay alert and ready to test your reflexes and quick thinking!


    Miscellaneous Changes
    As always with new seasons, it is our primary focus to ensure we deliver enough content, quality of life changes and bug fixes to satisfy our community! This upcoming season, players can expect to see a revamped version of one of our older spawns, alongside a smoother gameplay experience with a handful of our backend plugins being updated with performance improvements. We look forward to seeing everyone this Friday. As always, enjoy!

    luvbri and LeafyTiger24 like this.

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