Hey guys, to start off the new year I will be giving away a $10 coupon that can be used in the MCC store! All you have to do is reply to this post with the following format, and you will be entered: 1. Your IGN 2. Your Discord 3. Your favorite moment of 2019 on MCC So, an example entry would look like this: 1. seekingattention 2. anthony#5675 3. Being unbanned!! I love mcc xdddd uwu :3 #furry2020takeover I will be posting the winner on January 10th. Good luck everyone, and cheers for the new year!
IGN: SilentWhispers Discord: SilentWhispers#9707 Favourite moment: The suspense leading up to my helper promotion day ;D
IGN: Vervain Discord: Vervain#2028 My favorite moment would be when survival had reset after a long time, my favorite sub server c:
IGN:xStrafings Disc:strafinqs#0273 Favorite mcc moment from 2019: The one time prisons reset in the past 9 months
IGN: Kane Discord: Kane#2528 Favorite moment: My favorite moment was when my name was announced as a helper in promotions.
1. ItsGuih 2. ItsGuih#4901 3. When they announced your name before mine and they didn’t know how to pronounce mine, then the gooey name was created
In Game Name: HardCopy Discord: Vinc3nty#7202 Favourite Moment: Realizing that you can say fuck in the chat
IGN: RyanFalido Discórdia: RyanFalido # 6503 melhor momento foi quando eu conheci duas pessoas muito importantes para mim na mcc são meus melhores amigos Sxdness, Ellen_lf <3
IGN: xBunneh_ Discord: xBunneh_#0001 best moment: when I killed @AyeItsBeck for the first time in Skywars :) <3