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MCC's Biggest ****
I dont need rookies for shit cause there arent any in the first place. Dont know why your aggressive for no reason, over half the kit server would...
@PumahKITPVP You know how fucking dumb that would be? Giving rookies /fix all for free would make ranks useless for kitpvp. Making money on...
Heya this would be nice but what would also be great is /friends list in combat. With there basically being no anti cheat my friends list is...
IGN: jonojmat77777 Discord: Eric.#5231 Rank : Immortal Thank You So Much For The Giveaway <3
1. Kit filter should be a top priority on Kit PvP as it makes the gameplay more efficient and entertaining. 2. Fill inventory will just make life...
Yo yes you can still use it If you get another giftcard you can use the rest of your current gc and a new one get a another rank or a key.
Rookies SHOULD NOT have /fix all for free. IT should not even be a option as we players bought the rank Bedrock of the exact reason for /fix all....
Don't worry lads we all now that Alex was HIGH af when he was doing the reset
@AlexMarkey I do agree with this very much. The fact that the staff have not fixed the hackers issue and make us pay for fix all its extremely...