Separate names with a comma.
noe lol. armor is pretty cheap and if ur doing a full inv of sets with unb 3 fights last like over an hr with bow boosting and shit. bad idea
yeah but we're referring to the pvp aspect of prison not the eco side lmao. im saying to change the PVP ASPECT based on the opinions of the...
the small amount of pvpers on prison have basically already responded to this and all disagree with it, shouldn't it be based off the opinions of...
lol what???? who on the thread agrees that beaconing should be kept? am i blind or smthng.
eRRR. HELLO to the staff of the MCCENTRAL network, it is i! ETHAN. I have a few suggestions to the PVP department of this fine fine network. 1....
this is it, the best list !
not on a top 3 lol ur probz like top 5 tho
1. jer 2. eddie? (idk we're pretty even) 3. me everyone else is overrated
erm u probz werent.
erm top 10 imo 1. jer 2. eddie 3. me 4. dxnt (he quit tho rip my baby ;l) 5.tisty idrk 6.AlexLC(hes pretty underrated just cuz hes hated but hes...
erm everyone on mcc sucks ngl. only a few good ppl TBH :l