Separate names with a comma.
This is an Interesting Tourney, I have pros/cons about this tournament. I do have a question tho, So if players do end up winning repeatedly and...
good for you lol?
Omg nooo!!! We hate losing our community members, We will really miss you Nkuk and I and other hope you the best on your future I will always...
Hey RampageTek, I see you are having trouble removing/renaming a home, For this situation I believe that for removing a home all you do is...
Omg Hey Muel!!!, The lottery..geez where do I start, Well for starters im new to prison and I'm already getting the hang of it and I love it!!...
Hi angel abbi, I too like this idea but please make sure to stay respectful within the MCC Rules and I know you're and thats great, but don't go...
Hey fyreflye, Basically with a spawner(s), You are able to put in your /pmine which let you gain xp and different mob loot depending on which...
Hey 89p!!!, I really like the new prison reset, It has been Very Fun for me. This is the first time I actually play prison consistently and I...
To FaithyGirlGamez- I agree/disagree with this Idea, The part I agree with is Immortal rank, Yes they should be able to get 2 keys Monthly because...
Congratulations On Admin AcceptedAppeal!!! :)
Hey, XLoreX I'm in between of both yes and no for this idea, Yes it would be cool for killing animals but also No because most people don't really...
To Zac25zac, I really like your Ideas with the whole Events & Cosmetics sections If this were to happen then i'll most likely play kitpvp a ton...
OMG!!! Yes I love this Giveaway, Especially before Christmas. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Goodluck to all of you <3 IGN -Strxz Discord...
Yukihira, I am umm.....Very confused but i wish the luck for the player who wins in this "game" even if it is or isnt, I wish everyone a goodluck:)
That's interesting, I've heard so many people getting kicked out recently. They either tell me on discord since some of the people that play...
I agree with this idea, its kinda dumb to have the nether a (claim world) and yet it doesnt reset, kinda defeats the whole purpose of it being...
I can agree with this idea, I am very new to prison but i understand what youre trying to go with
I am so confused but I'm assuming it's an amazing idea:)
In my honest opinion I think /duels in survival being 1.8pvp is not a good option, 1.8pvp does not work well with 1.17-1.17.1 pvp. If you join...
People move on as time goes, If a player isn't satisfied with what they're playing then it's a high chance that they would find another server....