Separate names with a comma.
I agree with Fouffy. I think SetHomes would be a great addition to Prison season 8. Maybe if we go as close back to the old prison days as we can...
Heyyy. I agree with you so much. The staff team is trying there best to make the MCC community as fun as possible. They get so much hate for just...
Heyyy. I am doing amazing thanks! How are you?
heyyyy. i dont really think we need a whole arena for splegg because there was a reason it was taken out. People didnt play it alot. Yes there...
Yeah i agree with Jelliiy. I dont think there needs to be a change. The /ah has been the same for as long as i can remember and its never been a...
Ngl I’m a huge fan of 2Pac and my favorite song is keep ya head up. I love the beat and it’s just a song that always makes me happy
I agree with this post 100%. People can get away so fast and it’s annoying having to chase them around and around. You can literally do circles...
i can usually type about 90 words. But thats on a good day haha!
Hi! Hackers can really be a big problem. But staff work as best as they can to keep it in check. A way you could help with the hackers is by...
So true. I love playing skywars on this server it has a unique style not like many other servers. Although there are quite a few cheaters early in...
Yeah, to be honest there isnt really a way to not be KOS. People are weird and like to kill whoever touches pvp. But maybe try Dmine or the warp...
Holy crap. I am so excited for this. I would LOVE for map 2 to come back but bigger. Ive been a player for prison since Season 1. Season 2 and 3...
Hi! You should definitely come play and get as far as you can! Prison is one of my favorite Sub servers and i think you would really enjoy it! But...
I 100% agree with this. I know you can just type out /Friend add but /F is more convenient to use and takes less time! This would be totally worth...
Haha I love this poll so much. Ever since quarantine started ive been so bored so ive been playing minecraft SO much. Thankfully i have this...
Hey swxe, I can see why you are annoyed with the amount of hackers in cake wars. But if you feel like there are not enough staff you could...
Hey Cornjoe2, i personally liked the old website more than the new. The old website felt like it was a bit easier to use and i did not struggle...
Hey siroa111 Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post this :D. But each sub server has its own time for when it resets. I would love...
Wow this actually helped me so much. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help fellow prison players. I was trying to build a small...
This video was actually so funny, and probably so so accurate.