Separate names with a comma.
Joe Biden#9363. Gl to everyone else!
Ign: C0VID19ISHEALTHY Discord: StrafingChaos_Jr#9358 random number 69
So you’re plan is to be p5s6 never even have to carry any gaps just carry 7 stacks of regs and kill anyone who is p4?
Ign: C0vid19ishealthy Discord: StrafingChaos_Jr#9358 Rank: Legend I’m currently banned so wouldn’t even be able to use this for 6 months but...
why would you add resistance? Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard
I see what u mean, although typically speaking mcc somehow never stays on time, and they really don’t follow a specific schedule other than factions.
Why haven’t I seen you have one positive reply on a forums?
skywars Joe Biden#9363
Why are you so toxic for literally no reason
If u quit why u still on forums 24/7 lmao
Hey, i changed the mccentral ip and it started working again. Should be good now
I use Lunar Client, would you still want me to send a ss? and what do you mean reset minecraft
for the past day or so, i have been able to connect to other server but not mcc. My wifi is working fine, so I'm a bit confused. would anyone here...
Bro you literally scammed a kid 12 us for no reason and U try to raise awareness go f off
Ok so today, some kid on kitpvp recorded me 1v1ing him. I was destroying him with about 250 ping. He then sent that clip of what looked like I was...
It’s bcos he watches too many videos on how to get good, but he still doesn’t have a gaming chair. What do u expect
C0VID19ISHEALTHY IdekBruv#9358
You’re like trash af random you die in p4 and u pot at 6 lmao this list is for decent players not you. And crazy said it’s based on p5 kills
My mans, if they aren’t bhopping or got obvious kill aura or hacks on them, they should be recorded, and in mccs case they ss them, even tho not...