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Still here
Discord: cvul#3949 Favourite sub server: Faction or skywars
IGN: cvul Discord: cvul#3949
IGN: akaCvul Discord: cvul#3949 Fav person in my heart: All friends/family
MCC should add a way where you can enter a gift card code, and it will say both what funds are on there, and if it has been used/redeemed recently...
If MCC were to add a cannon realm, what perms would people gain from it, like if i wanted to World Edit, would i need a rank. Also would it be...
Truthfully, if players team they should get a temp ban for 14 days, as it just makes the game unfair if people team and refuse too kill each other...
For tier lever chest, what would be in them. Like what makes the difference between a tier 1 and a tier 2 chest, like would tier 2's be WAY better...
Truthfully party sizes should be capped at 18 due to main "lobbies" in games are maxed at 18 players. But this would then have the effect of all...
I'd love to see boss battles introduced into factions. So factions aren't always asking for pvp fights, maybe something like a spawn egg they can...
Truthfully it all depends on what sub servers you play, because if you play skywars. Which is the main place for hackers to be then yes i can...
But what if a player gets false banned, then the player would be perm banned for something they haven't done. Yes its rare too see, but why a perm...
I'd love to see cosmetics or other items added so i can buy them with credits, or maybe things for my pet like an outfit. So for special Event...
Personally i feel like Immortals should have a red tag, which sorta shows off around the server, becuase if you type in chat you have Lapis...
Depending on what type of Processor / Motherboard you have depends on what you can use (Some can get laggy) I mainly use OBS or AMD Software for...
I play between 12-15 hours daily, just due to the pandemic, i'm stuck indoors. I mean what better way to spend your day then such a good server...
Depends on how big your Roster is and/if they got the money to get keys, but i understand the splitting your faction up. Gives you more of a...
During SOTW for any Sub Server, what is the 1st thing you do to get yourself started and further than everyone else. Are you someone to buy keys...
I've played prisons for a couple days but i don't have a clue on what i'm doing, got any suggestions on what to do when starting?
Just wanted to ask people what sub server they enjoy most, i mainly play factions and skywars. Could people give me suggestions on what subs are...