Separate names with a comma.
Congrats on helper qtpie
Is that you Stolsiee?
Best staff ever
fucking cactus
Yeah, it sucks that this keeps happening. It sucks that people just watch it unfold. They should advertise the server more and get more YouTubers...
People are already slow enough before they introduced island points and now they are even slower.
Dammm yo man gg on the fucking promotion bro
Hey there, I'm looking to buy the 15% shop discount perk if anyone has the perk and wants to sell it! My ign is HardCopy, please message me on...
No more? Aww
In Game Name: HardCopy Discord: Vinc3nty#7202 Favourite Moment: Realizing that you can say fuck in the chat
Oh sorry I got the wrong teddy
shes prob just gonna ignore me lmfao
wonder how many weeks ill have to wait until she replies
yes i saw that. funny rule aint it?
appeal made. accept or deny it your choice.
Merry Late Christmas